While they might sound like tasty treats a sea cucumber is an echinoderm that kind of looks like a wrinkly worm with leathery skin. They might sound and feel kind of gross, but I think they are one of the most amazing creatures in the sea. So here for your eyes are ten of the most beastly cucumbers you will ever see…

10 – Barrier Reef – www.greatbarrierreefs.com.au/seacucumber
So now you are wondering that an “echinoderms” is. Well, the easiest way to think about it being like a starfish or sea urchin.

9 – The Great Barrier Reef – inmagine.com/image-ptg03009280-Janome-sea-cucumber-to-spit-Cuvier-organ.html
Not all sea cucumbers live on the sea bed, some live under it! Scientists predict that there could be as many as 200,000 more species of sea cucumber that will never be seen.

8 – Pacific Ocean – sukascruisinglog.wordpress.com/palau-10-months-of-paradise/palau-more-underwater-magic
While most sea cucumbers are small enough to hold in one hand they can grow up to 2 meters long, but soon contract again if they are touch to a much smaller size.

7 – Malaysia Sea – www.greatbarrierreefs.com.au/seacucumber
Sure, they are kind of weird looking, but I also think they can be kind of cute as well! This one looks like he is waiting for his master to throw a stick!
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6 – Okinawa, Japan – nachodonut.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/sea-cucumber
In some of the world’s deepest ocean trenches, sea cucumbers can make up more than 80% of the total biomass in that area!

5 – Singapore Sea – www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/echinodermata/holothuroidea/holothuroidea.htm
The average lifespan of a sea cucumber ranges from 5-10 years, this is partly due to the fact that almost all fish big and small find these creatures a tasty treat! Even crabs and sea plants eat them.

4 – Malaysia Sea – bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/2011/moede_marl/facts2.htm
Yes, some people really do eat these wonderful animals. Apparently, they taste more like a squid than anything like a cucumber.

3 – Atlantic Ocean – animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/sea-cucumber
When threatened some sea cucumbers actually poo out their internal organs! I have often joked about doing this while being silly, but never did I think anything actually did it!
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2 – Okinawa, Japan – voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/03/14/giant-sea-cucumber-eats-with-its-anus
This giant sea cucumber can instantly put you off your real cucumber sandwiches because he is the only animal in the world who eats with his bum!

1 – China Sea – animals.nationalgeographic.com
There are over 1,250 known species, and while many of these animals are indeed shaped like soft-bodied cucumbers, not all of them are.