Ten of the Strangest and Most Unusual Canned Foods

When it comes to food I am willing to eat most things, and at least willing to try new foods. But one thing that I really like to eat makes most people feel very ill indeed. You see I like all day breakfast in a tin! With egg, beans, sausage and some sort of potato product, I love it. But I do understand that a lot of people hate the very idea of a breakfast in a can. So can I justify eating it by finding other things in a tin that are far worse? You bet I can…

Fried Chicken in a can

Fried Chicken in a can

What amazes me about this is not the fact that it is fried chik’n in a can, not the fact that someone not only invented this but the fact that it is a vegetarian treat! (See comments Section For Details)

Can of haggis

Can of haggis

Having tried both real haggis and a tin of this stuff I know that the canned haggis food does come close to the taste of a haggis but to good enough. But for anyone who lives too far away from Scotland to try the 100% genuine thing this might well do the trick.

Canned Muffin

Canned Muffin

It might sound gross, but I think this canned muffin might taste rather nice! After all, I often eat chocolate cake and custard from a can so why not a muffin? Worth a go I think.

Canned Brown Bread

Canned Brown Bread

These will not be seen as the best invention since sliced bread, but it is one I think would taste quite nice. 99% fat-free and full of tasty raisins it might taste Ok! ..or maybe not.

Canned Squid

Canned Squid

If you thought the ones you have seen already were bad, check out this canned squid! No matter how disgusting it might sound, just remember that at least it comes in natural ink!

Bacon in a can

Bacon in a can

There are many different cans of bacon on the supermarket shelves, but this one offers people REAL pre-cooked bacon strips! I have no idea what these taste like, but I would certainly be willing to try it if just the once!

canned sandwiches

Canned sandwiches

Believe it or not this really is sandwiches in a can! With a choice of Peanut Butter and strawberry Jelly, BBQ chicken or  Peanut Butter and grape Jelly they really are a canned sensation. And one that I think I will give a miss.

Can of Silkworm Pupae

Can of Silkworm Pupae

The idea of eating a tin of silkworm pupae might sound disgusting to you or me, but to some people, they are seen as an important source of dietary protein. And as for the fact that I wouldn’t try these in a million years, I guess we will have to take their word for it.

Cheeseburger in a can

Cheeseburger in a can

If you think that a cheeseburger in a tin is going to look anything like the one you can see in this promotional advert, you need to think again. Having eaten one of these myself I know that they are slight…damp! But they last forever and would be great for survival food.

12-course meal in a tin

12-course meal in a tin

Just when you thought I couldn’t gross you out anymore I bring you what I believe is the worlds strangest can of food. A 12-course meal in a tin was always going to be pushing things too far and indeed that is exactly what it is. But stuff it! I would give it a go!

Author: Gus Barge

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