Ten Simple Tips To Train Your Cat And Teach Them Commands

Ten Simple Tips To Train Your Cat And Teach Them Commands

Cats have long captivated our hearts with their enigmatic charm, displaying a level of independence that has often left us wondering, “Can we actually train them?” While cats are known for their individualistic nature, the notion of training these elusive creatures has gained momentum in recent years. As cat owners seek to deepen their bond with their feline companions and enhance their overall well-being, the question arises: Is it possible to train your domestic cat?

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the fascinating realm of feline education. We delve into the techniques, challenges, and rewards of training your beloved cat, unravelling the mysteries of their minds and uncovering their learning potential. Whether you wish to teach your cat basic commands, modify their behaviour, or engage them in stimulating activities, we offer insights and guidance to help you embark on this captivating endeavour…

1. What to do and what not to

If bothered by your cat’s mewing, you should know the best way to make imp become a silent cat is by rewarding him when he is quiet. The trick in the whole process is to maintain perseverance. Reward him whenever he is quiet. This way, he won’t wake you up in the morning to beg for food anymore.

2. Catch her in the act

If you come home from work and see your cat spent her day destroying the furniture, yelling or punishing her will not help with anything. She will think you are punishing her for what she was doing at that very moment. Since she will not connect the two facts, you should punish her when you catch her doing the damage and not after or just before she does it. This way, she will react accordingly.

3. Motivation

Motivating your cat by giving her tasty cat food will surely do the trick. Special favourite toys might also get her attention, but it mostly depends on how much the cat is attached to the toy. This is the difference between what she likes and what she loves. Reward her with special treats that she loves when she completes a hard task. This way, she will do even better next time.

So even if you pet your cat for using the scratching post, lets you brush her, remind yourself she will not consider that a reward. Give her something good and then she will thank you.

Ten Simple Tips To Train Your Cat And Teach Them Commands

4. Comfort or food.

Rewarding your cat while she remains calm during an uncomfortable situation for her like such as nail trims, brushing, going into the carrier, or being picked up, may or may not work so well. This depends on what the cat likes most, comfort or food.

5. Time

Always remember that cats have short attention spans. This means that you must make the request and give rewards within seconds. Otherwise, your cat will lose interest. Giving him the reward too late will make him not know precisely for what reward he was given. Give her a treat while she is doing the good deed. Not after she has finished.

6. Consistency

This is an important part of training. If you are not raising the cat alone and other people are in contact with the cat, make sure you all follow the rules. This means that each reward and punishment must always be given the same way.

7. How to

Reward your cat for most of the actions she does well so that you can reward her natural good behaviour. But also introduce new behaviour into the excursion. For example, you can reward her every time she comes when you call her. If she starts to get the trick, call her from other rooms as well. A different example is rewarding her for accepting to wear the cat leash.

8. When to

Make sure you start the training session. If you reward the cat with food, you must know that the training process will improve if she is hungry when you start. This will ensure her total attention. Training and feeling a little bit hungry go well together.

Ten Simple Tips To Train Your Cat And Teach Them Commands

9. Big cats

Make sure that rewarding your cat with treats doesn’t make her a fat cat. As soon she learns the trick and you get to a third one, you can stop giving her treats for the first trick she learned and so on. Reduce the treats with time and keep your behaviour insistent so she understands the message. Always remember that cats have short attention spans. Use non-food rewards for your cat. Especially when stopping a food treat or buy high-quality cat food online for a healthy, alternative treat.

10. Don’t force

Don’t make your cat do something if she obviously does not want to do it. Don’t pick her up and move her to the scratching post or litter box. She will most likely get frightened and run away confused. Get her know the object first and try when she is already near the objects. Don’t turn her into a beggar. Remember that if you teach her the paw trick she might become a beggar with you and others.

While cats may possess an independent spirit, they are not impervious to positive reinforcement and the power of a nurturing environment. With patience, understanding, and a dash of feline psychology, you can establish a training routine that both you and your cat will find enjoyable and beneficial. If you have tried any of these tips or have trained your own cat do let us know in the comments below.

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