Top Ten Things to do on Your Laptop

Top Ten Things to do on Your Laptop

Laptops remain highly popular devices that enable users to do a wide variety of tasks. It’s estimated that around 70% of the US population own a laptop. Whilst smartphones are becoming increasingly popular, laptops remain a perfect choice for a wide range of applications. If you’re looking for inspiration on other uses for your laptop, the following article explains ten top things to do on this device.

Build your own website

Web design used to be something that only professional web developers could do. Nowadays, there is a wide range of website design applications such as Mailchimp that allow the creation of professional, high-quality websites with no prior experience in web design or coding required. Build your own website and create a site that is unique as you!

Write an electronic diary

Some individuals will have fond memories of keeping a daily journal of their activities as they grew up. Today, keeping a diary is less popular, but starting an electronic diary can be extremely straightforward and can be fascinating to look back on in later life. All you need is a word processing application and a little time each day.

Learn coding

Learn coding

If you enjoy working with computers and like the idea of working in the IT industry, it could be a great time to start to learn coding. Knowledge of programming languages such as C++ and Python is much sought after in the world of modern work, and it could lead to you landing a dream job as your skills progress.

Stream your gaming

Millions of people enjoy gaming on their laptops. It can be a fun and highly social pastime. However, it’s well worth considering streaming games that you excel at on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. The best streamers have audiences in the millions and can make a considerable income from streaming alone, making it a fun and sometimes lucrative activity.

Produce electronic music

Produce electronic music

If you have a creative streak and love the idea of making music, then your laptop can be a perfect platform to do so. There is a wide range of digital audio workstations (DAWs) that can cover all aspects of music creation and production. Share your creations with the world on sites such as SoundCloud and see if you can gain a growing fanbase!

Make digital art

If you are fascinated by the world of art, your laptop can be the ideal platform to create a range of digital works of art. Applications such as Photoshop can transform your photos and there is a wide range of other applications available online that allow you to draw pictures and add effects that transform them into masterpieces.

Visit an online casino

Visit an online casino

Your laptop can also be the entry point to a world of thrills and excitement if you like the idea of gambling in online casinos. Search for the best paying online casinos Australia and find a range of sites that offer attractive welcome bonuses along with a first-class authentic casino experience.

Learn through surfing

The internet isn’t just a place to find funny memes or watching videos of cats! It’s incredible how much good quality and professionally researched information is online from sites such as Wikipedia and others. Take the time to learn about a subject that fascinates you and use the internet as a tool for lifelong learning.

Install the latest updates

Install the latest updates

It’s important to realize that the internet is not a risk-free environment, and it is of paramount importance to secure your laptop from threats such as malware and the risks posed by hackers. Keep all your applications updated so they benefit from the latest security features and ensure that you have an excellent suite of up-to-date antivirus software installed.

Study for an online certificate

Sites such as Udemy provide a vast range of online courses that enable you to gain industry-recognized knowledge and skills in a subject that interests you. Whether you want to improve your career prospects or just broaden your knowledge on a specific subject, you’ll find that there are a wealth of competitively priced courses you can take online.

Author: Gus Barge

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