If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: Bloggin’ Ain’t Easy! No matter how much effort a blogger puts into their blog, they will never be totally happy with certain things. Here is a small list of just ten things that will make a bloggers blood boil…

10 – Social Media
From constantly changing the banner images and logos, to questioning how much they post and where to post it. A blogger will never, ever be truly satisfied until they have a team of 200 social media experts doing all the work for them. But will they do a good enough job? Nope, will they heck.

9 – Internet Problems
Some things are not in control of any blogger, like server errors! These are the bane of a bloggers life and yet there is nothing they can do about it.

8 – Fame
It doesn’t matter how many readers you get, 99.99999% of people who read it will never recognise you in the street and want your autograph. And when that one person in a million who does recognise you, you’ll instantly believe they are a blog stalker!

7 – Workload
If a blogger works too little they will hate themselves for not working enough and when they work too much they hate themselves for not taking a break and letting the mind recharge.
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6 – Google Analytics
It only takes a matter of days starting with Google Analytics before you start to question things. All the whys, where from’s and locations. The more attention you pay to it, the less happy you will become!

5 – Feedback
Sure, getting feedback from readers about what they like and don’t like is what you need to grow a blog, but secretly you wonder who they think they are questioning your choice of theme or page title.

4 – Traffic
This is one I hate myself. You either don’t have enough of it or once you do get into the thousands you start to analyse where they are from and what they are doing and realise you need even more readers! It’s a never-ending game of disappointment and joy that goes up and down as the weeks and months pass.

3 – Pressure
If a blogger blogs often they are constantly under pressure to keep it high-quality within the time scale, but if they blog too little they are under pressure to get more readers and subscribers! It’s a never-ending game of stress and pressure.
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2 – Money
It’s a common saying that you can never have enough money, that is why even pro and A-lister bloggers keep going! They could be on a beach lapping up the sun, but no! They keep coming back for more.

1 – Theme
In my opinion, the number 1 thing that gets a bloggers anger racing is not finding the right theme. Sure, we might be happy with one for a few weeks, but as time passes you find more and more wrong with it. After all, a theme is a bloggers house and it is important to make sure it looks the best it can. Unfortunately, you might never find the perfect theme, only the one that will ‘have to do.’