Tag: Cats

Ten Christmas Cats Who Give Their Opinion On the Elf on the Shelf

These days more and more people are getting an ‘Elf on the Shelf’ to mess…

Ten Cats on Top of Christmas Trees Who Think They Are Fairies

Have you got a fairy on top of your Christmas tree? If you have you…

Ten of the Most Festive Christmas Cats in Stockings You Will Ever See!

Some cats like to be in Santa hats for Christmas and some just like to…

Ten of the Derpiest Cats That Have Gone Full Derp

Has your cat ever gone full derp? What it means is some cats have a…

Ten Very Naughty Cats Who Are About to Steal Your Food

Have you stopped eating dinner to read this post? You might want to rush back…

Ten Cats Who Love Attending Schools and Universities

Would you say your cat is intelligent? If you would, maybe your cat has been…

Top 10 Super Strong Cats That Are Stronger Than You

Do you struggle to open jars? Can’t open your own bottles of beer without a…

Ten Cats With Their Terrible Friends Who Embarrass Them

Even us humans have that one friend who tries to ruin every photo and is…

Ten Clearly Visible Cats Who Suck at Hide and Seek

Have you ever tried to play hide and seek with your cat? Some cats are…

Ten Cats That Turn Up in the Strangest of Places

Cats are curious creatures that seem to end up climbing into all sorts of strange…

Ten Cats Who Hate Dogs and Are Not Afraid to Show It

To a cat, your average family dog is quite a stupid animal that is worthy…

Ten Terrifying Cats Attacking Their Toy Plushies

So you have decided to get your cat a toy plushie to give them something…

Top 10 Cats Who Are Not Amused With Their Owners

What I love about cats is how easily they show their emotions. When they are…

Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Cat Gifts They Will Love

Looking to get your cat a little gift idea? Maybe a toy for a kitten…

Ten of the Strangest, Funny and Most Unusual Cats Ears

Some of these ten cats have things on their ears, some have unusual fur markings…

Ten Unhappy Cats Covered in Strange and Random Things

There is a strange internet trend going around where people try and cover their cats…