It’s been on holiday with you since you can remember, but it’s looking a little worn. No, I’m not talking about your partner, I am talking about that old suitcase you keep insisting on using. It’s old, smells funny and is one drop away from falling apart. But don’t throw it away just yet, not when you can make one of these amazing things with it…

10 – Decor Table
Small enough to fit in a hallway and good enough to be used as a coffee table in the lounge.

9 – Speaker
I’m not sure why you want to make one of these, but they do look amazing.

8 – Guitar Stand
While not for everyone, I haven’t seen this idea before and liked it.

7 – Playscape
Another very original idea, this time you can also fold the suitcase up and put it away when the kids have finished with it.
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6 – Dolls House
If you don’t think you have the skill to make one of these you can always buy them from Etsy.

5 – Childs Chair
Making a little chair is perfect for kids to have in their bedroom or maybe to sit while watching TV.

4 – Shelves
You will need some serious cutting tools and good DIY skills. But it is well worth it for the effect.

3 – Cat Bunk Bed
If you have an old suitcase and cats then you might want to consider making them something to sleep in like this. Just be warned there will be a fight for the top bunk.
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2 – Bathroom Cabinet
It would be easier to close than when you ram it full of clothes, plus it looks great.

1 – Chest of Drawers
You might need quite a few of them to make this work, but it is good for both storage and recycling. Perfect for storing all those old holiday snaps in.