Plant a seed in the ground, wait until fully grown! Well OK, these are not a recipe for making or growing real Christmas trees, they are 10 of the very best edible festive trees. From cookies to cupcakes these are all worth making to make sure that Christmas party looks as spectacular as it can…

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Let’s start this post off with a recipe that I think most of us should be able to make. Just take some marshmallows, Red and green mini M&M’s and some Cheerios and make them into a festive tree shape. Simple and fun to make for the whole family.

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I’m not entirely sure what Jello Jigglers are, but they sound like a tasty treat! These citrus Christmas tree snacks are really simple to make and that always gets my vote. Let’s just hope they are as tasty as they sound.

8 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Now, these do look festive. Not much more to them than the basic brownie recipes they look amazing and depending on the ability of the brownie maker probably taste amazing as well. Hold onto those rice crackers at the bottom of the tree because I’m gonna try and destroy Christmas in one bite!

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
With a nice sized triangle of Philadelphia cream cheese, chopped red peppers and a nice tray of Ritz Crackers these are sure to go down an absolute storm. If there is anything that says it’s Christmas time it is a cheese selection.
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6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
This savoury style recipe is probably too much like my number 1 to be included, but I just loved the look of it too much not to. It seems I am a sucker for little red and green pepper stars and Philadelphia cream cheese tinsel.

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Are you going to be on your own this Christmas and plan to settle down with a Pizza Christmas day? Why not make it a little more festive and have a Christmas tree pizza. I won’t be on my own, but even I want this!

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
The list of Christmas tree cookie recipes is just about endless, but for me, these stood out from the rest to become the best. With a stunning string lights effect on the icing these look amazing are are much more simple to make than I thought.

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
What I love about this is the making guide shows just how easy this is. Just about anyone can make one and it would only take a few seconds. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.
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2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
You all knew that a cupcake recipe was going to make this list, so here it is. Here are loads of variations, styles and ingredients to choose form, but I like this one because of the winter style to it and the great making guide video.

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Anyone who has ever read anything in this blog will already know that I love the more unusual things in life. So for that very reason, I have decided to make this un-festive, un-seasonal pull apart treats my number 1. Christmas doesn’t have to be all about the sweets and desserts of this world. It can be about more traditional foods as well.