Have you ever wondered what happens to all the old playing cards they use in casinos all over the world? Well, sometimes they are sold on, sometimes they are recycled and many other times they are simply thrown away! But why would anyone throw them away when you can do and make these amazing things…
Ten Things You Can Make and Do With an Old Pack of Playing Cards

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If you got married in a casino or just want to show off that big win, maybe make a picture frame with some old playing cards and show-off that moment for all to see.

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I’m not quite sure how you would go about making one of these, but it might be easier to simply buy one from ETST as loads of people see them on there.

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I wouldn’t have a clue how you would even go about starting to make one of these, but they do look amazing that is for sure with the slanted cards still letting out a lot of light from the bulb.

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You don’t need any glue for this great idea. Just an old pack of playing cards, a good set of steady hands and some spare time!
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You will need to have some serious dress-making skills for this idea, but I couldn’t think of anything better for a night out at a casino.

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It might be a long way from Christmas, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make long of these and store it away for the festive period.

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Do you remember the time you won your first hand of poker? Probably not, but you might have if this was the clock that was in the background. If you feel you don’t have the skills to make one you can always buy one on Etsy.

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You could use this bunting for valentines or Christmas, just about any celebration you can think of! Why not surprise your friends by making some for that big poker night!
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Fancy making your own Christmas tree decorations? You can make them with playing cards and with 52 cards in a deck you should have more than enough to cover the entire tree!

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Thinking of upcycling an old coffee table or dining table? If you are why not make the top with playing cards! Perfect for a poker night or just in a spare gaming room.