If you have a busy or often stressful job you might want to stop for a few moments and read this post as it could save your mental health. By following just one or two of these tips each day you could save yourself from depression and the many other mental health issues related to workplace stress. And some of them are so easy to do there is almost no excuse not to do them…

Understand What Mental Health is!
This might sound like the most basic of tips, but being aware of the things to look out for or the signs someone might be struggling will make yourself aware that you might be suffering these things. You don’t have to become a therapist, just learn the basics!

Learn To Say NO!
This tip is for those with an unequal work-life balance. It’s no good working all hours when you are not having enough downtime. By saying no to things you will give yourself time and space to relax and that time is the most precious of all, especially when it comes to your mental health.

Make Friends!
You don’t have to hang about with people all the time to become friends with them. By having work friends you can see then just at work-times and it will make you happier in your job and thus have stronger mental health.

Stay Body Healthy
The mind and the body are one thing, working in unison. So by staying as healthy as you can, you will help yourself stay fitter and healthier, both in the body and mind. The key to doing this one is small steps. Maybe park further away, maybe take a few flights of stairs then take the elevator. Just do a little every day to stay alert.
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Drink Water Not Coffee
Coffee will often dry you out and leave you feeling more tired as the day goes on, so why not drink water all day instead! This will keep you feeling more alert and better able to handle any stressful situations that might occur.

Tell People When You Are Struggling
It is often the case with poor mental health that people will suffer in silence as they don’t want to appear weak or less worthy than other workers. But talking about your mental health concerns is not only more acceptable these days, but it is also often openly welcome. You might even have access to in-job therapist and professionals that you can use for free!

Do Some Daily Affirmations
If you start doing some work-related daily affirmations you will soon start to see the reason people praise the benefits of them. Not only will it keep you feeling positive, but it can also help you gain promotions and work even better than you have before! Why not give them a go for just one week and see if it helps improve your mental health.

Grab Lunch Out More Often
If you can try not to eat at the desk, or at the workplace lunchroom. Instead maybe try getting out and about, even if it is a small walk to the local food van to grab a bite to eat. This makes good use of that lunch break and should make you feel more refreshed for the rest of the workday.
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Sleeping Well Helps You Work Well!
Getting a good nights sleep before work is not always possible. But there are still things you can do to help you stay more alert throughout the day. Things I have already mentioned like walking to work, not drinking coffee and getting out at lunch break. This will keep you motivated and your mind active, even if you have not had the best nights sleep.

Get Out From Behind The Desk
There are a number of things you can do here to get out from behind that desk more often. Need to talk to someone via email who works in the same building? Why not go to them and talk! Need a new pencil? Go to the office storeroom yourself. Do just about all you can to keep active, even if that means a little bit of skiving off.