Have you ever got permanent marker on something and wondered how to remove it? Well, I have and this post comes about because I was looking for ways to remove it from my budding artist of a son’s wall. But while looking for them I came across Heike Weber who creates mesmerising masterpieces on vinyl floors with just a simple permanent marker…
BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker Pen Stains

10 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Upholstery: Start by mixing one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon of white vinegar with two cups of cool water. Then using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent/vinegar solution. Leave it on the stain for at least 30 minutes, blotting it every five minutes with a clean white cloth and more solution.

9 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Fabric: Place the stain face down on some paper towels, then with a sponge start rubbing pure alcohol into the area around the stain, and then apply it directly to the stain. After doing that just continue sponging the stain with alcohol, frequently maybe changing the paper towels underneath as this will result in the dabbing transferring the ink to the paper towels.

8 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Floors: Start by covering and protect any drains, vents, and electrical outlets with plastic and tape before you start, also you might want to wear plastic goggles to protect your eyes. Using the stiffest brush you can find, apply some lemon to the stain. Start by scrubbing the area well to break up the stain, then following the directions on a pressure washer use the lowest setting and spray your area in an overlapping motion.

7 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Carpet: Start with moistening the area with rubbing alcohol or non-oily hairspray and blot with a white towel. Then you will start to notice the stain being transferred into the towel. Once cleaned, moisten the area with warm water and blot dry.

6 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Laminate Flooring: If you can find one, it is best to use a Magic eraser then dampen the end of it with water and scrub over the stained area until the stain has been removed. But if you can’t find one of those use some toothpaste and baking soda.

5 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Hard Surfaces: Mix together some toothpaste with one part baking soda and apply a small amount to the stain. Then using a clean cloth, start rubbing in a circular motion. This may take a little bit of work but it should come off.

4 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Skin: Using common cows milk is a great way of doing this. Simply fill a bowl with milk and soak the stained area of the skin in the milk by gently dabbing it onto the area of skin, but over the bowl to keep the mess down to a minimum. The milk will begin to turn the colour of the permanent marker. When the milk has significantly changed colour, refresh the bowl with new milk and repeat the process until the stain is removed.

3 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Satin: Lay your towel or thick cloth down. This is to protect your surface area from any stains. Then Mix 1 tablespoon each of the milk and white vinegar with 1 tablespoon each of the borax and lemon juice. Then simply apply the mixture directly to your stain and let sit for 10 minutes, then dampen your sponge with cold water and dab the stain until it has been removed.

2 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Clothes: Removing ink stains can seem tricky, but it’s not impossible. When removing ink stains that might have pooled on a garment, use a washable microfibre cloth to blot the mark. Don’t be tempted to wipe or scrub: just keep on blotting it until the ink dries and stops transferring off.

1 – heikeweber.net
How to Remove Marker Pen From Carpet: Start by mixing 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon of white vinegar with two cups of warm water. Then using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent/vinegar solution, blotting frequently with a dry cloth until the stain disappears. If the stain still remains, sponge the stain with rubbing alcohol, then try to blot to remove the stain.