They go under so many names and brands it is almost impossible to list them all, but most people call them independent comics or indie comics. These often fan-made comics don’t have the budget of their more mainstream counterparts, but they do have a large fan following and that means they last for a very long time…
The Top 10 Longest Running Independent Comics From Around the World

10 – Title: The Walking Dead – Published by Image Comics – 177 Issues
This monthly black-and-white American comic was not only created, but it is still also written by Robert Kirkman (as well as others) and of course, it has also spun the zombie apocalypse TV series The Walking Dead.

9 – Title: Femforce – Published by AC Comics – 176 Issues
This female superhero-fest was first published in 1985 and is all about the crazy adventures of the Federal Emergency Missions Force team. There is no single writer for this comic and has been co-written by several famous comic writers.

8 – Title: Witchblade – Published by Top Cow – 189 Issues
Sadly Witchblade is no longer being published, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’s make this list. Not only has the comic been turned into a TV series, it has also been turned into a manga film!

7 – Title: Savage Dragon – Published by Image Comics – 219 Issues
This American comic book is about a superheroic, green-skinned humanoid/fish police officer named the Dragon. Imagine the Hulk but with more aggression and you have what Savage Dragon is all about.
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6 – Title: Simpsons Comics – Published by Bongo Comics – 236 Issues
There is not just one series of comics under The Simpsons name, there are several. But the main one titled “The Simpsons” is the longest running out of all of them and has been going since 1991. If you love The Simpsons a lot do check out these ten great Homer Simpson gift ideas.

5 – Title: Gold Digger – Published by – 239 Issues
Not only written but also drawn by Fred Perry, it is about the adventures of Gina Babette Diggers who is a lady with more skills and talents than a thousand Wonder Women.
EDIT – Knights of the Dinner Table – Published by Kenzer and Company – 262 Issues
Knights of the Dinner Table is a comic book/strip created by Jolly R. Blackburn and published by Kenzer & Company. It primarily focuses on a group of role playing gamers and their actions at the gaming table, which often result in unfortunate, but humorous consequences in the game.

4 – Title: Spawn – Published by Image Comics – 269 Issues
This indie comic was once ranked 60th on Wizard magazine’s list of the Top 200 Comic Book Characters of All Time! With several spin-offs and even movies under its name, it has a very strong fan-following that has kept it going for a very long time.

3 – Title: Sonic the Hedgehog – Published by Archie Comics – 284 Issues
He has changed the way he looks quite a lot since the comics first started in 1992 and is now an angrier looking speedy hedgehog. WIth literally hundreds of characters over its year’s people always have great memories with Sonic but sadly it did stop production on December 28, 2016.
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2 – Title: Archie – Published by Archie Comics – 670 Issues
Still going even today it started in 1942 and it all about the story of Archie Andrews and his teenage struggles and triumphs that keep the comic fresh by modern stories that today teenagers can relate to.

1 – Title: 2000 AD – Published by Fleetway – 2,018 Issues
This weekly British Sci-fi comic is most noted for its Judge Dredd stories as well as the all-star line-up of comic writers and drawers. Often seen as a launchpad for many British comic writers there seems to be no sign of it letting up as the fan-base is so strong.