Top 10 Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy for Males

You might think the ten countries with the highest lift expectancy for females is the same for females. But this is simply not true. There are a number of reasons for this, but we are not going to get too much into those, we are just here for the locations and average age stats…


Life Expectancy for Singaporean Males
Life Expectancy for Singaporean Males

10 – Singapore (Average Life Expectancy: 80 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): Extra weight puts you at risk for heart attack, diabetes, cancer and other diseases that can shave years off your life.

Life Expectancy for Spanish Males
Life Expectancy for Spanish Males

9 – Spain (Average Life Expectancy: 80.1 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): You know the drill – 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day (the more colourful the better), lots of whole grains and cut down on salt, fat and sugar.

Life Expectancy for Canadian Males
Life Expectancy for Canadian Males

8 – Canada (Average Life Expectancy: 80.2 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): Do crosswords, learn a new language, take up a hobby, attend a lecture and figure out how to Twitter and Skype. All these things will keep your mind engaged.

Life Expectancy for Italian Males
Life Expectancy for Italian Males

7 – Italy (Average Life Expectancy: 80.5 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): Maintain social connections by having close ties with friends and family. Such connections can help ward off depression, boost your body’s immune system and help you live longer.

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Life Expectancy for Japanese Males
Life Expectancy for Japanese Males

6 – Japan (Average Life Expectancy: 80.5 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): Walk, meditate, talk to a friend or play music. Learn stress management, as it’s one of the keys to disease prevention.

Life Expectancy for Israeli Males
Life Expectancy for Israeli Males

5 – Israel (Average Life Expectancy: 80.6 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): “He that can have patience, can have what he will,” said Benjamin Franklin. That may include a longer life. Men who frequently express anger are more than twice as likely to have a stroke than those who control their tempers

Life Expectancy for Swedish Males
Life Expectancy for Swedish Males

4 – Sweden (Average Life Expectancy: 80.7 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): People who sleep between six and a half and seven and a half hours a night live the longest.

Life Expectancy for Australian Males
Life Expectancy for Australian Males

3 – Australia (Average Life Expectancy: 80.9 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): A regular dose of supplements, including calcium and vitamin D, can help lengthen life.

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Life Expectancy for Icelandic Males
Life Expectancy for Icelandic Males

2 – Iceland (Average Life Expectancy: 81.2 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): People who have pets are less lonely and depressed and also get more exercise, all of which can add years to their lives.

Life Expectancy for Swiss Males
Life Expectancy for Swiss Males

1 – Switzerland (Average Life Expectancy: 81.3 Yrs)

Increase your Life Expectancy (Source): One quality most centenarians share is optimism. If you want to live a long life, your attitude counts.

Author: Gus Barge

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