Ten Healthy Super-Seeds to Include in Your Daily Diet

Ten Healthy Super-Seeds to Include in Your Daily Diet

Eating healthy plant proteins and fats as well as stocking up on essential vitamins and minerals is motivation enough to ditch some if not all of your sugary foods for seeds. Seeds are one of the healthiest foods in the world as they pack all the nutrition plants need to germinate and grow and most of them are good for the human body. Not all seeds make viable dietary additions as some are rare while others just aren’t worth the struggle. Swapping your sugary dessert for a serving of pomegranate or chia seeds may make a difference for your cardiovascular health and many more. Here are ten healthy seeds you should add to your diet.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are one of the most common seed diets in the world and despite their small size, they pack lots of health benefits. The most important ones are the minerals including calcium, manganese, copper, magnesium and iron. Chia seeds contain two important antioxidants as well namely selenium and Quercetin.

Selenium is a powerful immunity booster that helps prevent inflammation in all the cells in your body. Quercetin is also an immunity booster, but most importantly help reduce your blood pressure which reduces your risk of suffering from heart attacks. The rest of the seeds are healthy fats including Omega 3, fibre and healthy plant protein.

Sunflower Seeds

These are common snacks around the world now and many people are now appreciating their many health benefits. Sunflower seeds are rich in healthy fats especially polyunsaturated fats which is good for your body. The seeds also have many important vitamins including Vitamin B1, B6, and Vitamin A which are vital for cellular health and preventing inflammation. Zinc is also another important component of sunflower seeds that helps boost your immunity and keep your heart and blood cells healthy. That is why sunflower seeds are highly recommended for people suffering from heart disease and high cholesterol.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of Vitamin K you will ever come across. Vitamin K is a powerful immunity booster that helps wound heal faster. The seeds also have lots of zinc which are essential for your immunity as it helps your white blood cells respond to infections in the body. If you are hoping to cut weight and have glowing skin without having to struggle too much, then the rich mineral and Vitamin content of pumpkin seeds will help you go a long way.

Apricot Kernels

Some people recommend these seeds are a cancer-fighting food but that hasn’t been proven scientifically. The seeds extracted from the shells of apricot kernels are still superfoods that have all the Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids that your body needs which is why they are so popular around the world. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are vital for immunity and having healthy brain cells. The seeds also have Vitamin E and K which are strong immune boosters and useful in maintaining healthy skin as well as healing wounds.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are hard for your body to digest, so you should eat the ground version which can be found in many stores. Flax is one of the most important sources of potassium of any food you will eat. The seeds also have healthy fibre that helps with the absorption of food into your stomach. The best part of flax seeds is the high protein and polyphenol content. Flax seeds have lignans which help prevent inflammation in your body cells. This nutritional profile means that flax seeds have powerful immunity boosters that will protect your cells against cancers and other infections.

Poppy Seeds

Poppy Seeds

Of course, the poppy plant isn’t the best of plants thanks to the reputation that accompanies products extracted from its sap. The seeds may contain opioid components from the sap as well which is why the FDA recommends that you only eat one tablespoon for seven pounds of weight when eating it raw. Cooking helps eliminate the threat of opiates on the seeds and only leaves lots of calcium and manganese which are powerful building blocks for your cells. They also have zinc and other antioxidants that help improve cardiovascular health.

Pomegranate Seeds

Every doctor will tell you that pomegranate seeds will help you improve your energy levels and immunity. That is because the seeds have almost all essential vitamins including A, C and E which are antioxidants and immunity boosters. The seeds also have anti-viral effects whose basis is yet to be exhaustively explained. Pomegranate also contains magnesium and manganese which are vital compounds for your health.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are another seed diet that you can find almost everywhere in the world and they make great flavours for foods. Sesame seeds are also little superfoods with lots of protein and healthy oil. The most amazing component is the high quantities of calcium and proteins. Sesame seeds also contain B vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acids which are vital immunity boosting agents. The healthy polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats in these seeds also help reduce bad cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.

Pine Nuts

Pine Nuts

No, you are not eating pinewood here, just a bunch of super healthy pine seeds extracted from different types of pine cones. The seeds also contain Omega 3 fatty acids that are vital for the health of the brain and nerve cells as well as improving immunity. They also pack vital minerals including calcium and magnesium which are jointly responsible for stronger bones and bone marrow health. Folic acid, protein and fibre are the other benefits of pine seeds which you can eat raw or use as a flavour for food.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are richer in Omega 3 and Omega 6 than any other seed diet including Flax and Chia seeds which is why it is highly recommended for people with low immunity. The seeds have what is considered the perfect ratio of the Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which is vital for boosting your immunity and keeping cells healthy. Hemp seeds are also a reliable source of healthy plant protein with all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Author: Gus Barge

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