Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows

These ten shadows are obviously caused because there is a cat blocking the light. But sometimes you don’t see the cat itself, just the funny and sometimes scary shadow it is casting…



Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

10 – The Cat Rat

Seen at just the right image this cat called “Timmy” seems to show the inner rat. To be fair that is one big rat!

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

9 – Greedy Cat

I’m not sure if they really have drawn on the wall, or if it was added digitally after the photo was taken. Either way, it’s hysterical.

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

8 – I’m Batman?!?

It’s the classic image of the kitten trying to work out how he didn’t know he was Batman all along. Or maybe he is Catman in disguise!

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

7 – The Dark Knight

You don’t have to see the cat because you know where he is. The only surprise is when he walks up behind you and still leaves a shadow on the curtain! Then you can panic.

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Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

6 – Fantastic 1

Since being hit by mysterious cosmic rays Cat Fantastic has been able to do amazing things. Casting cool shadows is one of them.

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

5 – Candle Light

This is one cat you don’t want to come home to on Haloween. With a few scary cat screams and a candle, this cat would scare just about anyone!

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

4 – Small Cat, Big Cat

If cats needed a moody portfolio picture then this cat would own the best one ever. Never before has a cat shadow looked so beautiful.

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

3 – Guess Who

There seems something off about this shadow. Maybe it is the off direction it is cast, but it just looks…fake! Maybe I am wrong.

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Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

2 – Seeing From The Darkness

This image is only 2 things. Pure speed of getting some pins and inserting them into the wall at that exact point then quickly taking a photo or perfect timing as the cat’s shadow casts onto the place where the two pin eyes are located.

Top 10 Scary and Funny Cat Shadows
Cat Casting a Shadow

1 – Is That Batman?

Sadly for these little fishies that is not Batman or anyone else who might save them. And all they ever wanted was a clean fish tank!

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