If there is one thing I really hate doing it is queuing in a line of people with no end in sight. I just need to learn to be a little more patient, so I have been taking notes from looking at these ten dogs…

10 – Queue At The Vets
This is the only queue that each dog wishes were a lot longer.

9 – Supermarket Queue
No matter how big or small the local supermarket is, there will always be a queue when you get to the till.

8 – Army Queue
When you’re in the dog division of the army, waiting in queues is a lesson, not just a necessity.

7 – Mud Pool Queue
When you like keeping your fur soft and smoothable you will need to learn to queue in the mud pools. The more time in there, the better your fur will be!
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6 – Tourist Queues
It doesn’t matter how slow the queue is moving, pushing the person in front won’t make it go any quicker.

5 – Ice Cream Queue
There is never a line for the Ice Cream truck until that exact moment you want one yourself.

4 – Toilet Queue
The queue is always like this down the local dog park. They really should plant more than 1 tree.

3 – Belly Tickles Queue
While the dog sits happily waiting in line, the lion up front has started to beg for his belly rub, which is really not on.
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2 – Dinner Queue
This is the police dog academy in China where it is a tradition that the well-trained dogs line up to get their food every morning.

1 – Treat Line
CThis poor dog thinks he has to wait in line for a treat! Let’s hope that dinosaur doesn’t eat them all before he gets there.