These days I do love a nice hot shower because it saves water and is quick and easy. But when I was a little scamp I used to love my bubble bath times. A bathtub with about 2 inches of water and 4ft of foam. As strange as it seems cats love bubble baths as well…

10 – Baby Bath
Looking at some of these it is clear that several of these cats are having a bubble sink bath, but you get the point of calling it a bubble bath.

9 – The Bubble Witch
Now there is one impressive bubble hat! This could have been used as an advert for the Bubble Witch game easily, it looks just like a witches hat.

8 – Minimum Bubbles
It didn’t take me long as a child to work out that it was soap that makes the bubbles disappear. It seems this kitty has most of his on his head!

7 – Deep Thought
This cat has the look of deep thought on its face, much like I do whenever I am in the shower. 2 minutes washing, then 28 mins pondering the meaning of life.
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6 – Smile Free Bubbles
Saying that these images are of cats enjoying their bubble baths might be stretching the truth a bit as some of them really do look very angry indeed.

5 – Bubble Hater
Now that is one very angry cat. Maybe it is because they are not scented bubbles, just cheap budget ones. Those green eyes are almost pulling me into the bath with him!

4 – Thinking Bubbles
These Devon Rex cats might have a big brain, and big ears but when it comes to their bubbles baths they don’t like a lot of them.

3 – Bubble Cat
You know you are having a good bubble bath when there are more bubbles than water or in this case more bubbles than cat?
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2 – Bubble Queen
This kitty might well think she is the Queen of France with that bubble crown on, but remember when bathing your cat don’t let water get in their ears at any point.

1 – Pop Cute
If only I looks just as cute as a child when I had a head covered in bubbles. But looking back I am sure I looked just as silly as this kitty bathing in what looks like a laundry basket.