While us humans are easily influenced by brand name packaging I don’t think cats could really care. Sure some are fussy eaters and only have their Brand Name tins of cat food but most cats are just happy to be feed. But it seems these ten cats you are about to see are in love with their brand names, so much so they have decided to live inside them…

10 – Pop Tart Cat
I am sure there is suppose to be some connection here with Nyan Cat, but it just ends up in a product placement warning.

9 – Amazon Cat
If it fits, Amazon delivers it, then the cat sits. This cat has his Amazon prime account and happy to order more boxes at a moments notice.

8 – Budweiser Cat
The king of beers gets to meet the kind of the pets! Both have done some great internet branding. But how do cats open the cans?!

7 – Gucci Cat
When you are one of the world’s richest cats (the 1 Purrr-cent) you can get whatever brand of bag you want. Seems this kitty has very expensive taste.
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6 – Pepsi Cat
While not as popular as Coke-Cola cat, Pepsi cat here is much younger and loved by all the cool kids. That was until he started to walk around with a Pepsi can box on his head.

5 – Dr Pepper Cat
It seems the Doctor is in the house, but I wouldn’t get injured too soon because I don’t think you are going to get any medical help from this kitty.

4 – Chanel Cat
Sebastian here likes only the finer things in life. From Chanel clothing to luxury kitty nibbles what are made by small mice in China.

3 – Coca-Cola Cat
This kitty is just like Coca-Cola, famous for doing the same thing they have always done for years! Cat in a box is so old now.
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2 – Caterpillar Cat
This kitty seems to have got a little confused about what this box should contain. Let’s just hope whose ever box it is they don’t try and put the shoes on in the box!

1 – Pringles Cat
A tube of Pringles is a lot like looking for cats on the internet. There are lots to choose from and once you do it once you can’t stop!