For those who don’t know Bob Ross was an American TV personality that used his art skills to spread a little bit of happiness to the world. So what better way to celebrate his amazing life by getting one of these amazing Bob Ross gift ideas…

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His Joy of Painting brought a little touch of art happiness to millions of people during his 13 years on TV and most of his specials were on during the holiday season so what better way to celebrate him than with this small, but perfectly artful festive stocking.

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This amazing Master Artist set includes everything you need to express the artist inside of you. Sadly it won’t turn you into Bob Ross overnight, but he started with little more than carpentry job in which he lost part of his left index finger! So this art set should keep you a lot safer than Bob once was.

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Bob Ross was well known for his catchphrases and one he used more than most while painting was Happy Little Trees” and that is where these cotton socks come into it. If you know someone who loved to watch the Artest these socks might make the perfect little gift for them.

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He was well known for his quick style of art but not even the man himself could make toaster art as quick as this toaster. Simply pop in a 1 or 2 slices of bread and wait for Bob’s iconic face to pop up on your toast! I have to admit this is probably the weirdest gift on this list, but I can only imagine someone would love it!
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As far as I know, there are at least 4 of these Funko Pop! collectable figures with many more added every year. From Deadpool themes Bob Ross to ones that are more about the artist himself. Even if you don’t collect the figures it is nice to own one of these to place on the desk at home or at work.

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Just when you were getting over the news that a Bob Ross toaster existed I bring you something from “Uncanny Brands” that makes the toaster look sane. It is a waffle maker that shapes your tasty morning waffles into Bob’s head! I’m not quite sure why you would want this, but it does exist for all those who have the weirdest waffles in the world.

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Do you know someone who collects mini LEGO figures? I bet you a million LEGO bricks that they don’t have a Bob Ross LEGO figure! But with the small gift idea, they can add the iconic artist to their collection. Or maybe just buy it for yourself form something cooky to have on the office desk.

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It happens a lot quicker than Bob made his paintings, but it does at least keep his memory alive. Bob always spoke as if he were only addressing one viewer and this coffee mug only holds enough for that one person! Who doesn’t love a coffee mug as a Christmas gift, I know I do as I have loads of them! (none with pictures of Bob on them.)
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If a miniature bobblehead shaped like Bob Ross doesn’t put a smile on your face then nothing will. You even get to enjoy his easy chatter because this little bobblehead is a talking one!

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When you need to jot down a note quicker than Bob could draw these sticky post-it notes are perfect. With not one, not two, but 3 memo pads all shaped and styled to celebrate the life of Robert Norman Ross (that was his full name).
Do you remember watching Bob’s shows? Do you one something shaped or themed life Bob? If you do please leave your happy memories and products in the comments below.