Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks

All these bear snacks and treats you are about to see are loosely based on a Japanese bear called “Rilakkuma” which translated means “Relax Bear” and that is exactly what these ten recipes make you do. So relax, and prepare in your mind the things you might need from the kitchen to make any of this cute shaped recipes…



Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Bear Cake Roll

10 – Cake Roll –

Even if it wasn’t bear shaped I would have wanted this. Sadly (as with most of these in this list) there is no making guide, so you will have to have a go yourself. If you do work out how to make these do let me know!

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Bear Rice and Curry

9 – Rice and Curry –

If you have the skills to make a bear out of rice you have my respect. But even without the bear, this looks like one amazing curry!

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Easy Vanilla Cheesecake

8 – Vanilla Cheesecake –

Nothing more special than a normal cheesecake here, but shape it like a bear and suddenly they become amazing! These would be great for a teddy bear picnic.

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Bear Burger Buns

7 – Burger Buns –

If you really want to keep the kids amused at the family BBQ you should make these bear burger buns and become invited to cook at the Rilakkuma bear fan club BBQ.

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Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Bear Oreo Cookies

6 – Oreo Cookies –

Making your own Oreos gets my vote even without making them bear shaped. But with Oreos, it just seems to work even better.

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Peanut Butter and Banana Rilakkuma Bear Sandwiches

5 – Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches –

These would be tasty bear shaped or not, but using the brown peanut butter it does make it look rather good as well as tasty.

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Mocha Macarons

4 – Mocha Macarons –

While there’s not much of a making guide to show us how to make our own these were just far too cute not to include, and they sound really yummy as well.

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Bear Pancakes

3 – Pancakes –

You can have pancakes any day of the week, but you can only make special Rilakkuma bear pancakes when you are totally relaxed. Well, at least relaxed enough to watch a video showing you how to make them.

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Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Rilakkuma Bear Cookies

2 – Cookies –

While the step by step images seem to make these look easy I am sure it will need quite a few practice attempts to get them looking this good.

Top 10 Japanese (Rilakkuma) Bear Shaped Snacks
Strawberries and Pear Rilakkuma Bears

1 – Strawberries and Pear –

While the strawberries are easy to do making a pear-shaped bear is going to take some serious food craft skills. But if ever there was a way to get kids to eat more fruit that has to be top of that list.

Author: Gus Barge

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