While some people think it is the casino themselves that pull off the scams all the time there are a few times when the players have done it. These are ten of the most genius and cunning scams you will ever hear about and while none of them would work today in modern casinos at the time they changed the way casino security is run…

The Rosselli Brothers Scam
It is thought these 2 brothers from Rome, Italy stole $37 (£28) Million from Casinos all over the world. Basically, they used the internet for bad and stole peoples credit cards numbers, made their own cards are used them in casinos all over the world. But that is not all they did. They also applied for credit in all those casinos and ran up massive tabs that they had no intention of paying off. Truly a hustle crime of its time.

The Cigarette Scam
This might sound like something from a movie, but it really did happen! In 1973 in the Casino Barrière Deauville what is considered as the greatest roulette scams of all time took place. Basically, a brother and sister combo used a fake roulette ball and a transceiver hidden inside a packet of cigarettes that meant at the press of a button the ball always landed in 1 of just 6 numbers. While they were eventually caught they still took over $5 million from the local casino.

The Contact Lens Scam
This idea really is genius and changed the way casino cameras view the floor forever. Basically, he used ultraviolet ink to mark all the high cards so he could predict what was going to happen the next time the card was dealt. How could he see this? He used specially made ultraviolet contact lenses. The game he played was a 2 deck Stud poker and he and a few friends are said to have netted $80,000 in winnings and when the casinos caught onto it they changed all the cameras so they could pick up any ultraviolet markings on the cards.

The Edge Sorting Scam
For those who don’t know “Edge sorting” is a form of memorising the cards in your brain by spotting the unintentional differences on the backs and edge of the cards. SO now you know that you should know that a poker championship player (pictured) made $9.9 million just by using this method! These days casino use new decks of cards most the time to stop methods like this from working.
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The Crowd Casino Scam
in 2013 someone stole $13 million from just one casino by hacking into the casinos own surveillance system. Not only did they steal ALL the money from the casino vault, they also got away from it by slipping into the crowd, never to be seen again. The casino in question covered it up for years, but it is thought it was an inside job, but nothing was ever proven.

The Cutting Scam
A gang of 5 people made millions by paying Baccarat and this was not luck. They used high tech pin-hole cameras up their sleeves and alway instead on “cutting” the deck of cards used. But cutting the deck with cameras up their sleeves people outside the game in vans could slow down the footage and tell what cards were coming out next! While they were arrested on several occasions they still managed to get away with it.

The ATM Scam
The scam was a flaw in some ATM’s used in casinos that allowed people to make unlimited withdraws in a single minute. While the maximum withdrawal amount was $500 per time you could simply keep pressing the button over and over again! The true scam was you could have zero funds in the account and the ATM’s would still allow you to withdraw up to $10,000 per card used! The small gang led by a single woman opened hundreds of bank accounts and got away with close to a $1million. But they were caught in the end because they used their own real details to open many of the cards they used.

The Coin Scam
This was a scam by a counterfeit coin maker they simply called “The Coin” who simply made counterfeit coins used in slot machines. He was arrested for this, served a few years inside they upon coming out did the same thing again and got arrested again! It is thought his coins valued in the $100,000’s, but he didn’t earn that much from selling them.
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The Slots Scam
This scam is about a locksmith who designed to earn a few more pennies. Ok, when I say pennies it is thought Dennis Nikrasch got away with the largest scam amount any casino has ever witnessed. Over the course of 22 years, it is thought he scammed up to $60 million in coins from the slots as well as extra credits he gave himself. OK, so he got caught in the end, but it was a good run for him that is for sure.

The Worlds Fist PC Casino Scam
While this isn’t the online casino scam you might think it is, it is still pretty impressive. This scam involved a man making a card counting PC that he then strapped to his body. At the time computers were the size of houses so his small little body wrapped PC wasn’t considered possible. He then used the computer to count the cards and a small buzzer strapped to him leg told him when to bet high. While he was caught doing this at the time there was no law against using computers at the casino table so he got away with it.