Top 10 Weird and Unusual Wine Glasses

There is a huge range of wine glasses for every occasion out there somewhere, but the ones we are looking at today are a little more unusual, unique and very understated. Grab a bottle of wine and join me as I get you to pour it into some of the world’s most unusual wine glasses…



Untippable Wine Glass
Untippable Wine Glass

10 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

Once you have had a few glasses of wine, accidents can easily happen. So make sure you are the only one that is tipsy by getting these glasses.

Musical Wine Glass
Musical Wine Glass

9 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

Most people try and make a wine glass sing, but with these glasses, you will be playing that said glass like you were Mozart of the wine glass world.

Star Trek Wine Glass
Star Trek Wine Glass

8 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

Boldly drink, like no-one, has ever drunk before with these Red, Yellow and Blue Star Trek uniform style glasses. Beam me up Chardonnay!

Wooden Wine Glass
Wooden Wine Glass

7 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

There is a fine line between a modern wooden wine glass like these ones and a full-on wooden goblet. But either is good as long as there is wine to go into them.

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World’s Most Expensive Wine Glass
World’s Most Expensive Wine Glass

6 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

They cost $3,750 each and have a 0.15 carat diamond in the stem. Drinking from these you best crack open the Prosecco!

Tipsy Wine Glass
Tipsy Wine Glass

5 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

Being a little drunk (but not completely) is often called ‘tipsy’ and these glasses express how that feels perfect.

Plastic Cup Wine Glass
Plastic Cup Wine Glass

4 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

Enjoy a cool bottle of Sauvignon Blanc with these plastic party cup style wine glasses that are actually made from ceramic and 100& dishwasher friendly!

Extra Large Wine Glass
Extra Large Wine Glass

3 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

When you only plan to have a single glass of wine, make sure it is one that holds a full bottle of wine!

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Winestein Wine Glass
Winestein Wine Glass

2 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

If you are out with friends who only drink beer, ordering a wine can make you look rather silly. So it’s a good job there are these giant Winestein tankers, with a wine glass built inside of them.

Upside Down Wine Glass
Upside Down Wine Glass

1 – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<

Confuse and amuse your friends even before they have had a few with these crazy upside down glasses! Just don’t forget what they are later in the night and try to drink them normally.

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