While most people are not fussed on most sorts of reptiles I hope this post will change your mind, because these ten are not your average lizards. In fact, they are ten of the worlds most amazing and unusual lizards and some of them are so amazing it is hard to imagine they are even real…

European Glass Lizard – Scientific Name: Pseudopus Apodus
This is the largest species of legless lizard found in Europe and before someone shouts “SNAKE” you can tell it is a lizard because it has eyelids, external ears (located behind the eyes) and snakes tend to have relatively longer bodies and shorter tails than limbless lizards.

Spider-Man Lizard – Scientific Name: Agama Mwanzae
This Agama (Suriname creole name for a lizard) might look a little bit like Spider-Man, but it doesn’t have any of his powers. With its colourful red and blue markings, it certainly looks like it could fight crime, but at just 3 inches long full-grown it might struggle to take down the bad guys.

Eastern Blue-Tongued Lizard – Scientific Name: Tiliqua Scincoides Scincoides
It might have a colourful tongue, but it is also one of the largest subspecies of skink in the whole of eastern Australia. The blue tongue against the lighter grey scales really makes it stand out. While this isn’t the only species of lizard that has a blue tongue, it is the largest.

Armadillo Girdled Lizard – Scientific Name: Ouroborus Cataphractus
While its large spikes are an interesting feature of this lizard it is its defence strategy that makes it so interesting. When they feel threatened they roll into a ball shape so they can stand a chance of surviving an attack. A weird thing to do for sure, but it seems to work well for this little guy!
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Jaragua Dwarf Gecko – Scientific Name: Sphaerodactylus Ariasae
What you are looking at is the worlds smallest species of lizards. Measuring just 16–18 mm fully grown they are pretty easy to miss. They got their name because of the small area they are located inside in Jaragua National Park.

Frilled-Neck Lizard – Scientific Name: Chlamydosaurus Kingii
It might look like something from the Jurassic Park movies, but it is a real lizard. While the circular flap of frills is used for defence to make itself look larger than it really is it is mostly used for mating rituals.

Jesus Christ Lizard – Scientific Name: Basiliscus Basiliscus
I’m sure you have seen videos of lizards seemingly “walking” on water (although they run, but hence where it got its nickname) and this is the lizard that does it. It has been seen running across rivers and lakes, some of which are 20 meters in width. It’s not quite the same method as Jesus did, but still pretty impressive.

Mexican Mole Lizard – Scientific Name: Bipes Biporus
This five-toed worm lizard might look like an extremely long earthworm, but it is one of four species of amphisbaenians that have legs. But you will probably never see one as they live underground.
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Flying Dragon – Scientific Name: Draco Volans
This list wouldn’t have been complete without giving a mention to a flying lizard. OK, so they glide more than they fly, but they have been seen gliding as long as 60 m (200 ft)! They only really do this when they feel threatened, as most the time its “wings” are used for mating rituals. If I was a female lizard, just the fact that he could fly would impress me!

Gila Monster – Scientific Name: Heloderma Suspectum
If you have ever wondered what the worlds most dangerous lizard looks like, you need to look no further. While it does have a fearsome reputation it is relatively harmless to humans, but it does have venom in its mouth that can kill a small child and make a grown adult very ill indeed.
There are many more amazing lizards from around the world, but I think I have picked ten of the best. Do you have a pet lizard or know of some other amazing ones? If you do please let me know in the comments below because would love to hear from you.