If you need to replace a light bulb don’t settle for one of those normal LED ones, not when there are these ten more unusual ones you could be plugging in instead, each one designed to light up your world…

10 – App – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
It seems we are forever trying to integrate everything into our smartphones and with this smart-bulb, even the lights are controllable by a special app! Lights, there really is an app for that!

9 – Grolight – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
This might not amaze everyone, but those of us with children will understand it. At the flick of a switch, this bulb turns from a normal LED light into a glowing, soft night light! Perfect for kids who like a light on.

8 – Skyscrapers – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Would you pay £300 for a light bulb? What about one that was a one of work of art that could actually be used as a light bulb? Suddenly it doesn’t seem like such a bad deal, and what a great way for art lovers to light up their world a little bit.

7 – Mickey Mouse – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
While just a concept design at the moment Disney seem to put their name to just about anything these days, so why not light bulbs as well!
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6 – XX Filament – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
While most filament light bulbs are being phased out everywhere designer Kaws has decided to make limited edition red, purple and green “XX” filament versions. Weird, but I really liked them.

5 – Brain – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Have you ever seen a cartoon where the character gets a good idea and a lightbulb appear over his head! Well, these are the reverse of that same idea.

4 – Wooden – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
I am not even going to pretend to know how they made this wooden light bulb, but what I do know is it will likely blow anyone’s mind away when you show it all light up!

3 – Speaker – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
If these don’t light up your musical life nothing will because these lightbulbs have built-in Bluetooth speakers! Best of all is you can have the music follow you as you walk room to room!
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2 – Remote Control – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Different nights need different lighting, and this lightbulb comes with its own remote so you can set the mood lighting anyway you see fit!

1 – Disco – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Having a party and want to make it that extra bit special? Why not turn your living room into a nightclub with this flashing, rotating disc bulb!