Tag: Quotes

Ten Pictures of Cats Bending Reality You Won’t Believe Are Real!

This might sound strange but I once saw a cat bend reality and walk along…

Ten of the Very Best Animal Selfies You Will Ever See

I have been known to take a few “selfies” in my time, after all I…

Ten Pictures of Easter Ladders to Hopefully Inspire Your Own

If you have never heard or indeed seen an Easter ladder before let me explain….

Ten of the Most Pointless Signs and Notices You Will Ever See

Do you read any of the signs around you?!? I am not talking metaphorical ones,…

Ten Pictures Showing the Funniest Ways to Organise Cats

So you have started to grow a mighty collection of cats and now your problem…

Ten Amazing Broken Style Statues by the Talented Bruno Catalano

Now and again it is nice to bring you the work of a single artist….

Ten Amazing Sculptures Made From Cardboard Tubes

Sometimes it is hard to choose what goes into a top 10, and what doesn’t…

Ten Pictures of Surprised Cats That Might Well Surprise You!

I would imagine whenever there are fireworks or loud noises cats and indeed all pets…

Ten Photos of Dogs Saying Thank You for My Blogaversary

Today is this blogs birthday, my Blogiversary! Exactly 1 year ago I started making these…

Ten Poor Little Kitties With Their Heads Stuck Inside Something

We have all heard the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’ but did it really? Sure…

Ten Cats Playing Chess Who Could Easily Beat Garry Kasparov

From my previous post “Top 10 Chess Sets,” you know that I do love a…