Every cat owner likes to think of their cat as unique and extraordinary, but in truth only a small handly of them actually are. These ten you are about to see definitely are and have not only set world records, they have also earned their owners a lot of money in the process…
Ten Record-breaking Cats Who Are More Than the Average Moggie

10 – Pauly, Born with the Most Legs
You might notice something odd about Pauly as he was born with 6 legs! While some cats have been noted as being born with 5, that extra leg helps get him into the world record books.

9 – Creme Puff, The World’s Oldest Cat
The average life expectancy of a domesticated cat is just is 16, but this cat called Crème Puff lived for a record-breaking 38 years and 3 days!

8 – Cygnus, the Longest Tail on a Domestic Cat
If you think your own cats tail is quite long, take a look at Cygnus! His tail is 44.66 cm (17.58 ins) long and it almost 5 inches on the previous record holder!

7 – Arcturus, The Worlds Tallest Cat
You would be forgiven for thinking this image was photoshopped, but I can assure you it wasn’t, because that cat is Arcturus and he is 48.4 cm (19.05 in) tall with a weight of about 13.6 kg (30 lbs)!
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6 – Merlin, The Loudest Pur of a Domestic Cat
Merlin is a rather ordinary looking rescue cat, but when he purrs it drowns out all the other noises in the room! At 67.8 decibels his owner has to go in the other room if she wants to have a conversation with friends!

5 – Didga, the Most Tricks Done by a Cat
If you think riding a skateboard is pretty cool for a cat, this is Didga and he knows 19 more tricks and that makes him the cat who can perform the most unique tricks.

4 – Stewie, the World’s Longest Domestic Cat
Sadly Stewie is no longer with us, but when he was his 48.5in (123.19 cm) length gave him quite a reputation, but online and with the other local cats.

3 – Missi, the Longest Whiskers on a Domestic Cat
If the saying is true and cats can only fit through something that is the size of their whiskers, Missi here would only be able to fit through barn doors! At 19 cm (7.5 in) they sure are pretty impressive.
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2 – Himmy, The World’s Fattest Cat
While some will argue that this is the owner’s fault for overfeeding it, I love Himmy and think he deserves his place in the record books for his impressive 21.3kg (46lb 15 ½ oz) stature.

1 – Blackie, the World’s Wealthiest Cat
When Blackie’s owner Ben Rea passed away in May 1988 he bequeathed his entire £7 million ($12.5 million) fortune to him! The money was destined to be split between 3 cat charities provided they looked after Blackie in his mansion until his death. For that much money would let the cat scratch me each and every day!