There are not many insects that you could call lovable, but the little ladybirds (Or ladybugs) really are one of the worlds most loved bugs. Its bright red back covered in black spots is seen all over the world. So why not have a party to celebrate these little cute bugs and maybe make some of these ideas as well…

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Sadly there is no making guide or recipe to go with these amazing cupcakes. But it was the reason they look so good that I had to show you to them all. That green piped icing looks exactly like grass. They must have taken ages to make that is for sure, unless there is a way to make the icing stand like that. (Let alone the fondant ladybirds on top.)

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Made by professional cupcake maker Leslie Elizabeth. With a chocolate swirl face and glitter style body and leaves, these are some of the most vibrant cupcakes you will see in this list, but most probably not one of the easier to make. Sadly no recipe of making guide with these amazing cupcake but still definitely one of the more unusual types.

8 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Well, it is indeed true that Ladybirds do indeed come in a wide variety of colours. What better way to add a touch of colour to a ladybird cupcake rack than to make them all the colours our favourite little bugs come in! Sadly no recipe of making guide with this one, but well worth showing you that is for certain.

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
This is the first of 2 sunflower style cupcakes complete with ladybird insects on top of them. But it was the simple Oreo style that I loved about this one. But the next Sunflower one was a little more detailed, and did come with a bit of a making guide unlike this one.
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6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Much like the rainbow coloured ones in number 9, these are the same style of colours, but with a better class of cupcake under them. But at least this lot comes with a full recipe and making guide and they do look amazing indeed.

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I just can’t decide what I love more about these cupcakes. From the bright yellow sunflower petals to the chocolate covered centre. Or maybe it is just too cute ladybug on top. It looks summery and happy and its short to be a real winner it any party. Sadly not much of a making guide, but well worth sharing with everyone.

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I am sure that most gardeners see the ladybird as a pest, but I am not a gardener. These Ladybirds on pot plants cupcakes would make be a good cupcake to feature in my post “Top 10 Pot-Plant Cupcakes” but as it has a ladybug on top of it, I am happy to post it here instead. This also comes with a rather good recipe and mini making guide.

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
You just know that Oreo would get in on the act again somewhere along the line and so here it is. With a piped icing smile, and some red smarties for a nose they are not too hard to make, but yet still look amazing and that makes it a rather good cupcake indeed.
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2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
This might now be the best-looking ladybird cupcakes, and if we are being really picky the spots are brown and not black! But the relatively simple design and make means that even I could make them which as any parent knows it is where you start looking when making food that the kids want.

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I thought that those wings were made with chelate cookies, but it turns out that they are made with chocolate wafers instead. But that doesn’t put me off making it my number 1 because of the level of detail you can put into it and all fairly simple as well.