You might think live chat is something of a bonus, but I believe it is essential when deciding which online casino to use. For this post, I will give you ten great reasons why you should make sure your chosen casino site has live chat and that it works properly…
1 – A Human Voice
While some live voice chats are automated most of them feature live helpers that can deal with any issues you have. So do make sure it is responding in a human way to your questions and that it can help with any problems you might have now or in the future. Just do a quick Live Chat and discover if it is real.
2 – Problems
This is probably the most common reason people use live-chat boxes on casino sites and also the main reason you should be checking the site has the live-chat feature. With live-chat, you can deal with any problems or issues much quicker than you can via email.
3 – Bonuses
Before you make a deposit into your casino account why not ask the live-chat box if there is any discount/bonus codes for you to use. They will often ask which game you are playing and come up with something so it is always worth asking.
4 – General Q & A
Its not just the bigger problems you can get answered with live-chat, you can also ask just about any question you need to know the answer to. Something quick and easy is always welcomed rather than the usual problematic rants.
5 – Rules
If you are playing something new you can always ask the live-chat box for the game rules. They will normally guide you to a help page, but sometimes they will stay live while you learn the ropes.
6 – Odds
Can’t find the odds of something? Need to know the chances of winning on a new slot machine? Just pop a message into the live chat and they should be able to tell you or at the very least guide you to a page with the information you need.
7 – Tips
As I have said before, that live-chat box isn’t just there for problems, you can also ask them for simple playing tips and advice. Obviously some are more knowledgable than others, but it is still worth asking.
8 – Report Others
If you are playing table games and have a problem with another player who seems to be cheating, or at the very least being loud or rude just click open that chat box and report them! This will often result in problematic people being dealt with a lot sooner than with the little message systems.
9 – They Can Do Things Quicker
It doesn’t matter if you need to make a deposit or withdraw some cash, whatever you need to do it is often quicker and easier to ask the live-chat people to do it for you. Even if they can’t they will often give you tips on how to do it making it quick and easier anyway.
10 – A Safer Site
For me, a live-chat box on my chosen online casino site makes me feel safer when playing online. While I very rarely use them I do know that it is always there if I do and that the person behind it is a human.