There are some pretty deep caves out there that much is true, but over 85% of discovered caves are above sea level! But not these ten, they are the deepest in the world and some are so deep they have only been explored with radar equipment as no human could survive them…

10 – Sima De La Cornisa Cave, Spain (Depth: 3,101)
This cave system is famous for its 28 Neanderthal skeletons that were found in one of the deepest parts of the cave. But how they got there without the equipment we have today is still one of the greatest mysteries of the world.

9 – Shakta Vjacheslav Pantjukhina Caves, Georgia (Depth: 3,117)
The Shakta Vjacheslav Pantjukhina Caves are just one set of 513 all located with Georgia and more are discovered every year.

8 – Čehi 2 Cave, Slovenia (Depth: 3,182)
In Slovenia, all caves are classed as national property and protected by law, even if they just so happen to be on privately owned land!

7 – Sistema Huautla Caves, Mexico (Depth: 3,999)
This is a cave system said to house endless passages, waterfalls up to 60 stories high, and natural wonders like the massive, 300-foot-high chamber called Anthrodite Hall.
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6 – Lamprechtsofen Cave, Austria (Depth: 4,088)
This is a cave that has been known about and explored since 1701, but soon after it was walled up to prevent the intrusion of treasure seekers, who were lured to the cave by legends of wealth hidden by a knight named Lamprecht after the Crusades

5 – Gouffre Mirolda Cave, France (Depth: 4,370)
Back in 2001 the Gouffre Mirolda Cave in France was thought to be the worlds deepest. Like I said, the title keeps on changing hands and who knows what undiscovered cave systems there are.

4 – Torca Del Cerro Del Cuevón, Spain (Depth: 4,390)
The cave system of Torca Del Cerro Del Cuevón is a system composed of two chasms interconnected. It is also a deep abyss that many cave explorers have lost their lives too.

3 – Illuzia-Snezhnaja-Mezhonnogo Cave, Georgia (Depth: 4,823)
This is not so much one cave, but two of them. One is ‘Snezhnaja’ which means Snowy and the other is ‘Illuzia’ which means illusion.
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2 – Jean Bernard Caves, France (Depth: 5,036)
This cave is located in the Alps and has the highest cave entry in the world. It’s also pretty deep, but that goes without saying.

1 – The Krubera Cave, Abkhazia (Depth: 6,561ft)
Also called the Voronya Cave, it is the deepest cave in the world, and every time someone goes down it with a sonar, it gets deeper and deeper.