We have already learned some of the signs of anxiety, but now it is time to learn about the signs of depression. Knowing what to look out for in yourself and others could save a life and while there are many, many signs these are the most common…

Low Self-Worth
If you find yourself beating yourself down or noticing someone who is always down on themselves it could be one of the first signs of depression. Hate always seems to turn inwards when people feel down, instead of outwards to the things that are probably causing the depression in the first place.

Weight Issues
When it comes to weight and depression it can work both ways. Some people will hardly eat and lose weight too quickly, while others will use food as a comfort blanket. If you see yourself or someone else on one end of this issue, try checking they are OK while not noting their weight either way as this could be triggering for them.

Staying Away From Everyone
People get confused about this sign and think it is about people staying indoors and not going out. But it could also be people staying away from others at the coffee shop or food hall. If you notice someone trying to be alone, you might want to check they are OK with this. The truth is some people just like being alone, but others do it because they are depressed.

Slowing Down Physically
This is an odd sign, but it is also one that happens even in the early stages of depression. If you notice someone not moving at their normal pace it might be because they are feeling down and in poor mental health. But they could also be ill so a few questions about how they are feeling even if you don’t know them is always a good thing just to check they are OK.
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Tired Eyes
If you look around your school class or office you will probably notice a lot of tired eyes on people. But you should be looking for those who always look tired as a lack of sleep is a sure sign of depression as illness tends to make people sleep more (in most cases anyway).

Big Events
It could be a big work presentation or a school play. It could be a wedding or the birth of a child. When someone is going through these events it is natural for most people to feel anxious, but do check they are not falling deeper into the depression side of it as well. Some people don’t handle changes and stress well so do be aware that big events can cause big problems with mental health.

Crying All The Time
We all cry at a sad movie or TV show, but people with depression will often cry when being shouted at, being ignored and sometimes for no reason at all. Crying is a way to release the sadness inside of them, but it also makes people feel sadder in the process. An arm around someone crying can be like a comfort blanket and is very rarely rejected. Sometimes you just need a hug!

Can’t Make Decisions
This doesn’t have to be about making life-changing decisions, it could just be about what to have for food or what to watch on TV. A lack of decision making is closely related to the lack of self-worth as people with depression will often not feel their input is valued enough to be given.
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You might not link being angry and irritable is related to depression, but it really is. It could be shouting at people for no good reason, it could be arguing with themselves or it could be angry about something on the TV of they have read online. Someone who is “prickly” and intolerant of others is often someone who is depressed.

Reckless Behaviour
Some people with depression will not go into their shell, but rather out of it and start engaging in dangerous and often reckless behaviour! This could be something as simple as making crazy purchases that is out of character for them or something as extreme as doing parachute jumps. While it could be just someone enjoying life it could also be someone trying to end their life by doing the most dangerous thing they can think of.
If you are showing more than a few signs of anxiety you really do need to seek professional medical advice, so do consider booking an appointment with your local doctor or GP to discuss your issues with them, or at the very least consult with a friend or family member about your concerns. Never suffer in silence when there is a helping hand out there to be grabbed.