These ten animal-shaped rock formations are caused by wind, rain, sand and lots of other elements that have shaped them this way. Chiselled and eroded by mother nature herself, some of these amazing rock or stone formations require little imagination to see them clearly, while others are such a perfect animal shape they require no imagination at all! But it’s not how they were formed that is interesting, it’s their current shape…

10 – Grand Canyon, Arizona – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
While you will need to be in a particular place to see eagle rock once you are in the right place its a dead ringer for an eagle in flight.

9 – Albany, Australia – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
I still think it looks more like a seal’s head every time I look at it, but it’s called dog rock and I can kind of see why as it even has a painted collar on!

8 – Bragg’s Island, Newfoundland – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
My idea of a nightmare because I hate frogs, but it has to be said there is definitely something very frog-like about these rocks and it even looks as slimy as one!

7 – Yehliu, Taiwan – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
With some of these “animals”, it is often a case of point of view (POV) rather than the actual formation of the rocks. But in the right POV, it is a spitting image for a seal!
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6 – Arches National Park, Utah – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It does definitely look like a lion, but it is also kind of creepy as well. I could easily see this and some others on this list being very sacred places once upon a time.

5 – Tassili N’Ajjer, Algeria – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
There are loads of weird and unusual rock formations in Tassili n´ Ajjer National Park, its no wonder its a Unesco World Heritage Site! It might not have the spiky top, but it is a dead ringer for a hedgehog!

4 – Tassili N’Ajjer, Algeria – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It might be a bit of an odd shape, but there is definitely something camel shaped about it. I can only imagine it has been eaten away by both sand and time to make the shape it is now.

3 – Cornwall, UK – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Located here in the UK (although I have never seen it myself) it is more of an optical illusion than a rock formation shaped like an animal, but it’s still pretty effective and oddly beautiful.
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2 – Heimaey, Iceland – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Looking like a rather sad Elephant who is trying to have a drink in peace is this rather odd rock formation that even seems to have the texture of an Elephants skin!

1 – Sardinia, Italy – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Italy is not this first place you might go to to see a Polar Bear, but if you don’t mind them being made from the rock it’s perfect and dare I say a pretty accurate lookalike as well.