Back in my youth I was pretty mean on a pool table. I could bank shots, spin the balls to stop where ever I needed them to and knew exactly where to bounce the balls off the cushions. But I might not have been so good if I had learned to play on one of these crazy pool tables…

10 – Hexagon
Called “The Hexy” this pool table is actually a rotating pool table as was designed to be placed in the corner of a room to maximise playing space.

9 – Boat
Most people seem to think this is a boat-shaped pool table. but in reality, it is a real boat turned into a pool table!It was made as a memorial to a Queensland waterskier called Brian Rix. What a great way to be remembered!

8 – Triangle
Made for the purpose of Grant’s Whisky corporate branding this triangle table is made from some of the best materials in the world, just like the whisky apparently.

7 – Golf
After looking for several hours, the only thing I managed to find out about this weird looking golf/pool table is that it’s called a Podborka Pool Table. So any other information about it would be much appreciated.

6 – “L”
This custom designed table made by Blackball entertainment (IIRC) is not the only one of their to make this list. In fact, it seems they have a rather unusual talent for making custom designed pool tables.

5 – “Z”
Believe it or not, this table was made for training purposes but is now often used as a piece of novelty fun. There are several of them out there, but just very rare indeed.

4 – Coffin
Not only does this look like a coffin it really is a coffin! Made by Casket Furniture this creative coffin makes the perfect coffin that you can play in until you pass away. Weird, but also great for people who really love their pool.

3 – Round
Made by JM Billiard they have been manufacturers of these round tables for over 30 years! There is a straight bank in the centre of each rail that makes bank shots even easier!

2 – “Y”
This is yet another table that is patented by Blackball entertainment (IIRC) and once again it is just designed to be a little bit of fun and a showcase for their billiards table making skills.

1 – Banana
If you are looking for the world’s craziest shaped pool table then look no further than this one located in The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, London.