If you are the proud owner of a Pug then you want to take your faithful companion everywhere with you, so people are always coming up with all sorts of different ways to get about with their pets. Please do NOT try any of these ideas you are about to see at home with your pets…

10 – Cycle Basket
Most pug fans know to transport their pugs inside cycle baskets, but it is still cute to see and a good way of getting about with them.

9 – Horse Riding
Why not go horse riding and take your pug along for the trip! He doesn’t have to run along side, he can have his own horse and mount up himself!

8 – Buddy Diving
It’s a common, everyday problem. Want to go skydiving but don’t want to leave your pet pug on the ground while you jump! So why not buddy up with your extreme sport loving pooch.

7 – Baby Pouch
While it doesn’t look very comfortable for the dog, I am sure any walkie’s to a dog is a good walk. Just don’t reduce yourself to bottle feeding the pet.
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6 – Urban Stroller
When you live in a big city it can be hard to find space to let your dogs walk free for a while. So why not transport them in this urban stroller until you find a quiet stretch of street!

5 – Hammock
Sadly it does need 2 people to operate, but this pug hammock is perfect for summer days when it is too hot for your pug to be fully inside anything. This way he gets plenty of air and wind.

4 – Bike Box
If you have a scooter you are going to need something to attach to it as a pet carrier. Well, it seems a normal bike box with a hole cut in the top is the perfect pet carrier.

3 – Backpack
Lets your pet know where it has come from with this pugpack, It will remind them that the past is gone forever no matter how many puddles he leaves in your slippers you will always be there for him.
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2 – Carry Handle
If your little pooch gets tired legs why not simply carry him like a piece of luggage with this rather handy body carry harness. This also saves his little feet getting feet on rainy days.

1 – Pugcopter
People say drones will be used for all sorts of things when the technology is better, but I have never heard anyone say anything about a pet carrier! Look out for flying dogs and sky-pups in the very near future.