Once upon a time, people would have to go out to a real-world casino or betting shop if they fancied a little “flutter” but of course these days things are a lot simpler and people can gamble in a variety of ways. But how many people say they still use a real-world casino or betting shop? Let’s find out…
*These stats are taken from people surveyed here in the UK and most of those who did gamble did so in multiple ways.

10 – Smart Wearables (1%)
From the Apple Watch to various other “wearable” devices like VR headsets. This tech hasn’t really taken off as its makes would have wanted, but its still fairly new even to tech heads like myself and I can only see the number of people making a bet with a watch or other wearable tech growing.

9 – Phone (3%)
This is not to be confused with mobiles. This small stat is people who ring or call up a gambling number to place a bet. This number also includes people who enjoy TV gambling, like those late night shows where you can ring up to place a bet.

8 – Text Message (4%)
While you might not think it is possible to gamble via text message you can play the lottery as well as adding funds to an online gambling site all via a few simple text messages. Sure, 99% of this is the lottery, but it’s still interesting that people still use this method rather than card details online.

7 – With Friends (9%)
Not only is this number about meeting up with friends for a game of poker, but also making a bet against something with a friend. There are so many ways you can have a gamble with friends that its hard to think of them all!
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6 – Social Betting (11%)
This is a fast-growing type of betting that isn’t betting with real money, but digital currency that you often earn by playing various games. Social Poker captures a lot of this type of traffic with slot games taking the rest.

5 – Supermarket (36%)
From lottery tickets to scratch cards, the local supermarkets are capturing more and more of the gambling market and their share is getting bigger and bigger. Some are even jumping onto the mobile app bandwagon, but this number is just about people who go into the shops.

4 – Tablet (37%)
This stat is also growing rapidly and will only get bigger as better and safer tablets are put onto the market. This is my own personal preference as I find the larger screen of the tablet easier than a small mobile one.

3 – Mobile Phone (59%)
The amount of people using a mobile phone (smartphone) to gamble is growing faster and faster every year as they become cheaper to buy and safer and more secure to use. But it is the older generation that uses less of them and they are often more likely to gamble.
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2 – PC (63%)
It seems that the PC is still king of the digital gamblers but a lot of this could be down to the older generation trusting a computer to have a gamble more than their mobiles. Bingo players also play a big part of this number. But with the mobile traffic growing incredibly fast this stat could easily change.

1 – Real World Betting (81%)
Now before people think this number is wrong you must take note that this is ALL gambling, not just slots or poker and that includes sports betting and when it comes to big sporting events a lot of people will have a gamble when they otherwise might not have. These days more and more people are choosing to place bets on apps even at events when bookies are available. Sadly foot-fall in casinos is falling year on year, but the good news is they are trying even harder to make us gamblers choose them over the apps with better deals and indeed more facilities. Gambiling has been going on for thousands of years and I’m sure it will continue for thousands more.