I thought I have just about covered every single toilet-themed blog post there was to do, but then I started to look for a new toilet seat to fit my new bathroom theme and boy was I in for a surprise! These are loads of weird and wonderful toilet seats out there, but here is just ten of the very best…

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If you are a budding piano player or maybe an accomplished master of the ivory keys this has to be the toilet seat for you. Maybe Elton John has this in his home!

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I am not quite sure who he is, but this is a $64,000 toilet seat belonging to the king of style, Tyga. All part of his $6.5 million mansion in California! Now that is 1% living.

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No this is not the new Arachnophobia film, it is simply a very scary toilet seat cover that is sure to make people want to goto the toilet even more once they see it.

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You would have to be a very serious Harry Potter fan to make this work in a bathroom. But if you spend a lot of time sitting on it reading your favourite book maybe it would be a good buy for you.
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Yes, Hello Kitty really does have merchandise to cover just about everything! But it could be a good way to train little ones how to use the toilet. Or maybe you just love Hello Kitty and think this is the best thing in the world!

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If you have ever fancied owning a LED light up loo then this toilet seat would be perfect for you. It comes in a range of colours to suit any bathroom décor, just don’t ask where the batteries go.

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There might be something a little creepy about going to the toilet and having Hans looking up at you from his grave, but if you like your Star Wars you might love it!

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In the middle of the night when your bladder has decided it doesn’t want to wait until the morning it can be hard to see the toilet without turning on the light and waking up the rest of the house. So this glowing one will be more than welcome in my home.
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For those of you reading this who are a little Gothic in style, this would be the perfect toilet seat for you. Sadly I couldn’t find a price to go with this, so I guess for now we will have to sit on it.

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Yes even in the crazy world of unusual toilet seats can I find something nerdy to make my number 1. But as for it comes as part of a bathroom set I think it would be perfect for the bathroom.