I always remember my parents invited a few close friends and family round to have a communal game of Gin Rummy, I always remember a certain Uncle of mine would always show me his “rude” playing cards with vintage ladies wearing less that the suit of card they were on. But this is not about rude cards at all (this is a family-friendly blog after all) this post is about how unusual and unique I thought those cards were, but that was before I found this lot…

10 – Gold Finger! – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
While there are lots of gold decks of cards out there (some of them made from real gold) I felt it was the quality look of these for such a low price that makes that more unusual. No matter what way you look at it, they are sure to show everyone you are a true winner.

9 – I see through your plan! – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Now, these are what I call unusual. While the waterproof aspect is rather handy because someone will always spill a drink at these card nights people have, I think the see-through factor of them might encourage more cheating that genuine card play.

8 – Petal Power – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Now, these are very unusual indeed, Each of the cards in the deck is shaped to look just like a cherry blossom petal. Made by design company “Design Development Laboratory” they really do look amazing. But I feel they might be a little too hard to shuffle each time.

7 – Round of Cards – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
You would be playing with a full deck with these Zildjian inspired deck of playing cards. At nearly 400 years old, Zildjian cymbals is one of the oldest companies in the world and considered to be the best of the best amongst drummers. So let the music play and the round cards flow free.
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6 – Hard Games – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
There is no messing around when it comes to this deck. They really are made from very high-grade stainless steel like the style often found in very expensive, designer goods. But the are not too expensive and it does have to be said that they look simply stunning.

5 – Rare of the Rare – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
What is so unusual about these? Well before Nintendo make amazing video games and consoles they made nothing but decks of playing cards! As you would imagine these are now ultra rare and very, very valuable indeed with some of the more unusual designed decks going for upwards of £50,000!

4 – Mobile Cards – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Many a card player will play cards on their mobile, so it kind of makes good sense to have a deck of cards that also look like a mobile phone as well. And this deck that looks just like an I-phone would make for a winning night of card playing indeed.

3 – 8 Bit Deck – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
While I do love the nerdy aspect of the retro Space Invaders theme, it is the innovative perforated print style that gives the cards their unique transparency and effect. For me, it makes them very unusual indeed.
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2 – The Hard Deck – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Now I don’t know about anyone else, but I would have thought decks of cards that are made from solid wood were available everywhere. But that is simply not the case, in fact, it is apparently notoriously difficult to make them, thus the rather high price these ones are. So when it comes to decks of cards these are very, very unusual indeed.

1 – Moveability – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
It just doesn’t matter what way you look at them, or what aspect you love more about them. These are simply mindbogglingly amazing. With each card being in a Steampunk, mechanised style this is cards so unusual that most people would probably be playing with each card more than actually playing the game. I really think I need a deck of these.