Ten Other Shows to Watch If You Love Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ten Other Shows to Watch If You Love Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Siths are not defeated by the end of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the show seems to give the promise of more interesting things to come as it ends with Obi-Wan meeting his master Qui Gon. Disney said it was a miniseries meaning another season may not be coming. The show was a big hit though, becoming Disney+’s most-viewed original series since the company began streaming. The show actually outperformed most of the Star Wars shows made in recent years which means the producers should go back to the basics just like the creators did with this show. Many people loved the show and it is obvious that it will be missed and when you do, these 10 will make good alternatives to binge on.

Lost In Space

Lost in Space is actually based on a 1965 show with the same name. The show follows the Robinson family who veer off course and land on a strange planet while travelling with a mother ship in a bid to colonize a new planetary system. Their son Will accidentally finds a robot whose ship has also crashed on the planet and makes friends with it. They later realize that the mothership was attacked by robots similar to the one Will has befriended and that the planet they landed on is heading into a black hole. They are forced to look for ways to get back to the mothership while also fighting divisions among themselves and other colonists who also landed on the planet. With three seasons and a possible fourth on the way, there are more than enough hours of watch time to help you forget Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The Man Who Fell To Earth

Faraday is an alien from a planet named Anthea which is on the verge of extinction. He comes to Earth after receiving the message from a previous Anthean sent to Earth to find a solution to the planet’s energy crisis. The alien teams up with a single mother Justin Falls who is also struggling to make ends meet with her ailing father and daughter. The alien is being watched by a rogue CIA agent who has been tracking communications to Anthea and who threatens to kill the poor alien before he even makes a step in his mission to create a core with unlimited energy to fire a spaceship to Anthea and save his planet.

Ten Other Shows to Watch If You Love Obi-Wan Kenobi


This series premiered with high expectations on Paramount after being awaited for nearly a decade. The production was affected by the pandemic but it was finally released and it was nothing short of what was promised. It is based on a video game by the same name. It follows the lives of multiple human characters trying to stave off extinction threats from an alliance of dangerous alien races named The Covenant and the United Nations Space Command. The last surviving human settlement on the planet struggles against seemingly impossible odds as the super-armed aliens keep coming at them.

Star Trek: Picard

If you love Star Wars but not the animated shows of the franchise, then Picard is the one show you will love just as much as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The show begins in 2399 when Captain Jean-Luc Picard is retired and living in a vineyard after the events of Nemesis in which his friend Data died and the planet Romulus was destroyed. Picard meets a race of synthetic people named Synths into whom the consciousness of a person is transferred and he has to fight for their survival because one of them is the daughter of Data. He is forced to take up a mission again and move from planet to planet eliminating threats and seeking his arch nemesis Q.


The first mission to Mars was organized on the spaceship Atlas launches from the moon under the command of Commander Emma Green. Green is an astronaut but also a wife and a mother and her husband is in charge of the mission on the ground at the NASA mission control. Emma has a problem though because the crew she is leading doesn’t trust her. The crew is made up of an international group of astronauts including the stubborn Lu Wang, a Chinese astronaut and chemist, a British botanist, a Russian Engineer and an Indian astronaut and medical officer. The mission is dull of uncertainties and the crew has no faith in Green who is supposed to coordinate the mission.

Star Trek: Lower Decks

All-Star Wars films and shows only focus on the wars led by captains and other important personalities. No one focuses on the lower-level workers who actually get the ships running. Lower Decks is based in the 24th Star Trek century when Earth is still part of the United Federation of Planets and operates a fleet of starships tasked with contacting alien life. The show focuses on USS Cerritos, the least valued of the entire fleet inhabited by Beckett Mariner, the demoted daughter of the ship’s captain who tends to break rules and other ambitious members of the lower decks who actually do important tasks but rarely get credit for it.

The Silent Sea

The Silent Sea

This is a South-Korean show also involving a space mission in which the leader of the mission is not trusted. The government orders the mission to retrieve a sample from the abandoned Balhae Research facility on the moon on which the cure for the extensive desertification on Earth is believed to be located. The mission is led by astrobiologist Song Ji-An whose sister died at the facility alongside 117 other people under unknown circumstances. He is accompanied by people he can’t trust who are willing to do anything to keep the secrets of the mission a secret. The group also faces the threat of a deadly virus and superhumans that they find inhabiting the station.

The Mandalorian

This is another Star Trek show that has received positive reviews and is very much similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi. The show launched in 2019 and has since been renewed for a third and fourth season. The show follows the events of The Return of The Jedi and the fall of the empire. The remaining rulers of the empire hire a bounty hunter Din Djarin to retrieve a child Gogu so they can exploit his connection to The Force. Djarin gets other ideas though and while thinking of how to protect the child from the emperors, he finds himself in the cross fire of far powerful forces.

Resident Alien

An alien is sent on a mission to destroy humanity in order to benefit his planet. To complete his mission, the alien kills and takes on the shape of a human doctor Harry Vanderspiegle and lars to speak English in order to fit in with humans. He, however, meets a small boy who can actually see past his shape-shifting ability. The alien also develops human emotions and finds it difficult to finish his mission because he has made so many human friends. He soon turns from an agent of extinction to a potential saviour of humanity. Meanwhile, he has taken the life of Dr Harry and therefore works as the local town doctor while trying to figure out a way to escape the CIA agents that are after him and get his destroyed ship to work.

Raising Dion

Raising Dion

Nicole Warren is forced to raise her son alone after her husband dies. While trying to make ends meet, she also learns that her son Dion has superhero abilities whose source she can’t explain. While trying to figure out how to help her son, she soon finds herself at war with people out to exploit her son’s powers and, of course, another superhero unknown to them whose intentions with Dion she doesn’t know.

Do you know of any other shows that fans of Obi-Wan Kenobi would love? If you do why not let us know about them in the comments below. 

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