Ten Outrageous Cosmetic Surgeries You Won’t Believe Exist

Ten Outrageous Cosmetic Surgeries You Won’t Believe Exist

Professional plastic surgery is an essential branch of medicine that helps individuals with deformities achieve a more functional and typical appearance. However, cosmetic surgery—a subset of plastic surgery—often pushes the boundaries of necessity in pursuit of aesthetic ideals. While some procedures, like breast augmentation or a subtle lift, have become relatively mainstream, others venture into the realm of the extreme. From altering ear and nose shapes to leg-lengthening and permanent dimple creation, these procedures challenge conventional beauty standards. Here are some of the weirdest cosmetic surgeries people undergo.


During the pandemic, Dr Michael Salzhauer, famously known as “Dr Miami,” made headlines for introducing drive-thru Botox in Miami. One of his most unusual offerings was Pokertox, a form of Botox designed specifically for poker players. This procedure temporarily paralyses certain facial muscles, preventing tell-tale expressions that could give away a player’s emotions at the table. While poker is a strategic game, many would argue that losing the ability to smile or frown isn’t worth the gamble.

Buccal Fat Removal

Some people feel their face appears too chubby and opt for buccal fat removal, a procedure that slims the mid-cheek area. This surgery involves freezing and permanently removing fat pads from areas such as the cheeks, inner thighs, or chin to create a more contoured look. While the appeal of sculpted cheekbones and sharp jawlines is undeniable, excessive fat removal can leave patients looking gaunt and prematurely aged. The influence of celebrities sporting chiselled features has fuelled the popularity of this procedure.

Rib Removal for the Perfect Waist

The Barbie waist—or the extreme hourglass figure—has become an aspirational beauty standard for some. To achieve this, individuals undergo rib removal surgery, extracting their 12th, 11th, and occasionally 10th ribs to reduce their waist size. Though performed under anaesthetic, the recovery process is painful and can take up to six months. Moreover, the removed ribs protect vital organs such as the stomach, bladder, and intestines, making this procedure a highly risky pursuit of aesthetic perfection.

Leg-Lengthening Surgery

If being a few inches taller is a lifelong dream, leg-lengthening surgery offers an extreme solution. This procedure involves breaking leg bones in two places, inserting metal rods, and gradually adjusting them with screws to extend bone length. Over time, new bone marrow fills in the gaps, increasing height. However, the surgery requires months of therapy to regain mobility, and complications such as blood clots, nerve damage, and even permanent loss of walking ability can occur. In some cases, the risks far outweigh the benefits.

Brazilian Bum lift

Brazilian Bum Lift (BBL)

One of the most popular yet controversial cosmetic procedures, the Brazilian Bum Lift (BBL), aims to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. Unlike silicone implants, this procedure involves harvesting fat from areas like the stomach, cheeks, or underarms and injecting it into the buttocks for a fuller, rounder appearance. However, BBL carries serious risks, including the potential for fat embolisms if fat enters major veins. With an estimated fatality rate of 1 in 3,000, this procedure remains one of the most dangerous cosmetic surgeries available.

Feet Fillers

Also known as the stiletto lift, this procedure is designed for those who frequently wear high heels. Cosmetic foot surgeon Dr Toth, based in New York, claims that feet fillers help reduce pain for individuals who stand for extended periods. The procedure involves injecting silicone or another cushioning material into the feet, making them fuller and less sensitive to pressure. While it may seem practical, potential complications include nerve injury and reduced sensitivity.


Dimples are often seen as an attractive facial feature, but not everyone is naturally blessed with them. Dimpleplasty creates dimples through a simple surgical procedure: a surgeon makes an incision inside the cheek and manipulates the buccinator muscle to create an indentation. While relatively straightforward, poor execution can lead to permanent scarring, unnatural-looking dimples, and an overworked appearance. Is a surgically crafted smile really worth it?

Tongue Splitting

Tongue Splitting

A practice popular in alternative body modification communities, tongue splitting involves dividing the tongue into two sections, giving it a forked appearance. While some individuals find it enhances oral aesthetics or even improves certain experiences, it carries serious risks. These include excessive bleeding, nerve damage, difficulty eating and speaking, and even infection that could lead to life-threatening complications. Beauty is subjective, but this procedure certainly pushes the limits of self-expression.


The belly button may seem like an inconsequential part of the body, but for some, its shape is a source of insecurity. Umbilicoplasty is a procedure that reshapes or realigns the navel, often performed after pregnancy or significant weight loss. The surgery involves removing excess skin or fat to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing belly button. While relatively minor compared to other procedures on this list, it highlights the extreme lengths some individuals go to in pursuit of their ideal appearance.

Instant Six-Pack Surgery

For those who find it too tedious to achieve a chiselled stomach through diet and exercise, instant six-pack surgery offers a shortcut. The most common technique, abdominal etching, involves liposuction that removes fat around the abdominal muscles, revealing the underlying six-pack. Some procedures use implants to enhance the muscle definition, though these may not be permanent. While it provides a quick-fix alternative to hours in the gym, it does not replace the health benefits of regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Final Thoughts

Cosmetic surgery has undoubtedly transformed the way people approach beauty and self-image, but these procedures highlight just how far some are willing to go to achieve their desired appearance. While some surgeries may seem reasonable, others raise ethical and medical concerns, particularly those that put health and safety at risk.

Would you ever consider undergoing any of these extreme cosmetic procedures? Or do you believe natural beauty should be embraced instead? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends to spark a discussion!

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