While buying a new jewellery box is nice to make it really special you should try making one yourself. And if you can make it from recycled materials it will be even better! I have ten jewellery boxes that do just that and while some of them don’t come with making guide they should give you some inspiration to make your own…

Cassette Tapes
It’s not just jewellery boxes you can make with cassette tapes, there are lots of things you can make with them! But this is pretty neat and there is a necklace hanger built into the lid.

Monopoly Game Board
When you are done with the game because there are too many missing pieces why not use that old Monopoly game to make this rather fun looking jewellery box.

Old Books
I would imagine this is a lot harder to make than it looks, but with so many draws it could hold all the jewellery that you have and then some!

Wooden Bottle Crates
Some people like this rustic look and others hate it. While I do love the look of this jewellery box I wouldn’t want to put anything too nice into it. I do like the cotton reels used as the drawer handles.
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Tin Lunch Box
This idea is so simple just about anyone could do it. Just grab yourself a tin lunch box, cut some pool noodles to shape and rest your earrings and things in the groves of the pool noodles!

Egg Box
As long as it is clean and you don’t mind decorating it a bit an egg box could be a great way to hold loose jewellery, especially earrings and studs inside each of the egg sections.

Toothpaste Box
I really like the look of this and while you will need some craft skills to pull it off you can watch the video making guide and change things as you wish to match your own style.

Wooden Sticks
How many wooden sticks does it take to make a jewellery box? It looks like quite a lot, but it also doesn’t look that hard. Just as long as you get the shape of the box right.
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Cigar Box
I’m not sure about the smell of cigars as they might be too strong for this, but give it a good clean and it might be OK. I do like the use of gravel in this box to prevent things from moving around too much.

And we finish with something most of us could only dream of making. If you have the skills to pull this off then well done to you, but the good news is you can also buy them in the links below.
Source Used…
- http://reclaimedwreckage.blogspot.com/2011/02/new-cassette-tape-jewelry-boxes.html
- https://homeandgarden.craftgossip.com/repurposed-game-board-jewelry-box/
- https://yamsixteen.com/galery/harry-potter-gift-box.html
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/434738170251627356/
- http://www.architectureartdesigns.com/15-fascinating-diy-jewelry-box-ideas/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EhRKAAvWHo
- https://www.revistaartesanato.com.br/lembrancinhas-de-dia-das-maes-para-escola/
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/364791638539722877/?lp=true
- https://www.deerwoodworks.com/currently-available/jewelry-boxes/