Ten Funny Pictures of Cats Riding Animals You Will Love

Would it be wrong of me to call all cats lazy? It just seems to me that all they do is eat and sleep, and now and again go outside for a little while. Some of them are so lazy in fact that they are not even willing to use their own legs to walk…

BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Best Facts About Back Pain


Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Horse

10 – “And to think humans make this look hard.”

FACT: Back pain is more common the older you get, in fact, the very first back pain you might have will be when you are between 30 to 40 years old.

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Dog

9 – “Onwards to the vets to battle this evil Neutering monster!”

FACT: Back pain is more common in people who are not fit and do no exercise, but injuring your back during exercise can be the most painful form of it.

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Donkey

8 – “I’m only riding you because we couldn’t afford a landrover.

FACT: A diet high in calories and being overweight too much weight can stress the back and cause pain for what at first will seem as no reason at all.

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Pig

7 – “If I scratch your back would it make me a pork scratching?”

FACT: There are thousands of reasons people suffer from back pain, such as ankylosing spondylitis, this is a form of arthritis that affects the spine, can have a genetic component.

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Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Sheep

6 – “Onwards to the world of wool to cash this lot in!”

FACT: Some types of arthritis and cancer can cause back pain, but strangest of all is that even some hey-fever can cause back pain!

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Goat

5 – “This pillow keeps making funny sounds, are you sure it is natural feathers?”

FACT: You have to lift, push, or pull while twisting your spine during most manual labouring jobs, so is it any wonder 60% of workers in the construction section suffer from regular back pain!? But even if you work at a desk all day and do not sit up straight, you may also get back pain.

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Tortoise

4 – “I might look silly up here, but I just couldn’t be bothered to walk to the shops.”

FACT: Your body may not be able to get enough nutrients to the disks in your back if you smoke. Smoker’s cough may also cause back pain and sadly smokers are slow to heal as well so the pain will last a lot longer.

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Llama

3 – “Llama fur is almost as good as my owner’s bed!”

FACT: It might be a sharp stab, or it might be a dull ache. But sooner or later, eight out of 10 of adults over the age of 50 will suffer some at least some form of back pain.

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Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Fish

2 – “I got it, I got it! Best Catch Ever!”

FACT: They say slouching is bad for your back, but the truth is sitting up too straight and still for long periods is even worst for back pain! The key is to sit however makes you comfortable and then go for a walk or indeed stand for at least 5 mins every hour.

Top 10 Images of Cats Riding Animals
Cat Riding a Mountain Lion

1 – “Guess who, it’s me Brian, your tiny cousin!”

FACT: When it comes to weightlifting pain it is not necessarily how much you lift, it’s how you lift. Of course, you shouldn’t lift anything that might be too heavy for you anytime, gym or at home.

Author: Gus Barge

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