Are you planning on doing something for April Fool’s this year? Well, you might want to think again because whatever you have planned, these ten cats have already done it and are playing the trickster as we speak…

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If you plan to get in a spot of pool or snooker this April Fools day, you might want to check the pockets before you start playing.

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If you think this is going to keep your pet happy while you are away at work, you might want to think twice about buying it.

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With the hypnotising aroma with musky notes of catnip and salmon, your cat will be the pull of the town if it goes outside wearing this. I would leave a warning that it might attract fish loving dogs.

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I was truly stunned at the number of people who downloaded this app thinking it would work. Whatever cat come up with it (and I can only presume it was a cat), they are a genius!
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Sadly cats can climb and that means you need to look out for them pretty much everywhere you go. But always remember to look up!

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It might be worth putting a cat lock on your landlines and mobiles for Aprils fools. Otherwise, the dog might be acting a little strange.

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A virtual reality headset for cats? Sounds like a great gift for kitty who can be pampered and soothed all day in VR.

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If you are looking for a new cat on April fools day it might be worth giving Battersea Cats Home a go as they have some truly wild ones.
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Yes, it’s the classic cat prank. They lay on their backs, waiting for some poor unsuspecting human to come along and smooth their belly, then all of a sudden…BAM!

1 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Yes, this is the world’s first Kitten Printer. Just select the breed and colour you want, wait 90 seconds and then out pops your kitty!