It’s Christmas day, the presents have been opened and you are now thinking about the new year ahead. But just because Christmas day has been and gone, doesn’t mean the tree and decorations have to come down immediately. But it seems these animals think a lot differently…

10 – “Who me? It just fell over!”
When should you take down the Christmas tree? Well according to tradition the Twelfth Night (5th January) is when all Christmas Decorations should be removed so as not to bring bad luck upon the home.

9 – “It attacked me first!”
Going back to the tradition of taking them down on the Twelfth Night the legend says if decorations are not removed on the Twelfth Night, they should stay up all year!

8 – “It was going to steal my food so I attacked!”
Some people will not take it down to the end of January, which I am ashamed to admit normally happens in my house. No wonder I am often so unlucky.

7 – “It was weird, its like it just fell over for no good reason!”
To be honest I don’t know anyone who takes their tree down on Christmas day. Maybe very soon afterwards but not on the day its self.
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6 – “This thing is dangerous, what if it went in my eye?”
Going by these images cats are far worse than dogs when it comes to Christmas tree disasters. Maybe cats just want it over more because people dress them up in silly clothes.

5 – “Who us? No, we don’t even like climbing!”
Let’s face it, there is not a whole lot you can do to stop a cat from climbing the Christmas tree. Maybe hang it upside down like a few people have done, but that’s about it.

4 – “Its over, can we play fetch with this thing now?”
I have had my own dog for well over 5 years now and not once has it ever gone to attack or pee on the Christmas tree. I think I just got lucky!

3 – “What did you expect from a cheap, fake tree?”
Maybe some of these animals are not to blame for the tree falling over! After all, someone must be buying a new Christmas tree because there are always loads for sale.
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2 – “ATTACK!!!”
Let’s face it are you really going to stop a lion from taking down the Christmas tree on Christmas day? Thought not. So get that empty box out of the loft!

1 – “It started it!”
And I leave you on Christmas Day with a very guilty looking cat that can’t really say he didn’t do it. Have a great Christmas Day everyone, don’t eat too much!