When you think of LEGO bricks they usually used in creating predetermined models due to the fact of using a kit or creating fun designs of your own. But there are many other things you can do with it as well. As you are aware, most things have more than one use. Take for an example an empty tin can, it can be recycled and turned into a sofa (don’t believe me, check it out). Well, the same goes with LEGO and instead of being like everyone else with their mediocre LEGO kits, why not recreate one of the following things and be more creative than anything you will see in any of the kits…

10 – Recreate Retro Game Scenes
A while back I create a post discussing how people have recreated their favourite retro game scenes using LEGO, so it was only fitting that I started this top ten list here. So with that being said, why not recreate your favourite retro game scenes using LEGO? With so many classic scenes and games to choose from and due to retro games being 8-bit and 16-bit LEGO bricks work rather nicely, you can even entertain yourself for hours on end as you work out which piece needs to go where.

9 – Your Very Own LEGO Wall
As you can probably tell, the LEGO wall is great to build for your children. While I am on the subject, they should have these in hospitals, doctors, dentist, etc for children, to make the places seem less daunting.

8 – Create Your Own Furniture
Friends Simon Pillard and Philippe Rosetti – who are Parisian designers — took over 20,000 LEGO bricks, a week of their time and created their own unique kitchen island that you won’t see in any shops. Although the kitchen island looks amazing covered in LEGO, it would have been a whole lot better if the whole thing was created purely out of the bricks.
The best part of creating your own LEGO furniture is the ability to customise at will. Take the kitchen island above, I would have preferred it to have more of a designer rather than random bricks, so it’s ultimately up to you as a designer how your final furniture will look.

7 – Create LEGO Key Holders
By simply using 2 pieces of LEGO you can create your very own LEGO Key Holder. Simply attach one piece of LEGO to a keychain, affix another piece to a cupboard and then marry the two together when you have done with your keys.
On many occasions have I needed to unlock the front door promptly (usually due to the postman) and I couldn’t find my keys due to my own laziness of flinging the keys in any location when I arrived home. But if I had my very own piece of LEGO keyring holder I could attach my keys to it!
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6 – Fix it With LEGO
LEGO bricks can officially fix everything and I have the proof!
Use the site Dispatchwork and you can see where members of the public have actually taken the time to fix cracks and holes in their city using nothing but LEGO. Although there is probably a law against this (someone has to spoil the fun), I think this idea is amazing and everyone should go around fixing broken and damaged buildings and fixtures using LEGO. Not only is it creative and innovative, it also shows how we can work together in repairing our towns and cities.
5 – Create Jewellery Out of LEGO
Straight off the bat, I will say that creating jewellery out of pieces of LEGO isn’t my cup of tea. But there will be a lot of you out there that will love nothing better than recreating a cross out of LEGO to stick around your neck. After all, it takes seconds to make and you could always remove, pull it apart and make something different!
4 – Recreate Your Favourite Music Video
Think of it as recreating your own retro game scene but with a lot more time and dedication with a hugs satisfactory feeling once it’s finished. There are literally 100s of videos online created this way and they are all quite fun to watch as you see how close people got to recreating the original video.
3 – Create Your Own Shotgun Using LEGO
I think this is the coolest thing I have ever seen made out of LEGO and maybe ever will. You have Youtuber ZaziNombies to thank for making this amazing piece using LEGO. As he says on his channel, “making your dreams come true, with Lego.” Yeah, the guy dedicates his time to creating guns and other items (Minecraft) out of LEGO. He really is very talented and well worth subscribing to.
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2 – Create a Huge LEGO NES Controller
Creating your very own 5-foot NES replica controller is an achievement in itself, but LEGO enthusiast and Youtuber Julius von Brunk took it a step further and created a functioning controller that works like a regular NES controller would – now imagine using that to play Super Mario Bros. and your other favourite NES games.
The giant NES controller that you can see in the video is compiled of LEGO bricks, plates and tiles, technic shock absorbers and momentary push buttons from Radio Shack and although it may not be practical and makes playing your favourite retro games harder than they need to be, who cares?
1 – Create a Lego Brick Firing Gun
How about creating your very own LEGO gun that not only fires LEGO pieces but also reloads itself? Yes, a machine gun made using LEGO bricks! Although the shotgun looks way cooler, due to the fact that it didn’t actually fire I placed it lower on the list.
The takeaway from this article shouldn’t be to render the intended purpose of LEGO building useless, as it’s fun to do, but that you should think outside the box when playing with the stuff. In fact, let’s go even deeper and apply the same concept to life and go against the normal now and again just to keep life interesting.