Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Ten Amazing Things to Can Make and Do With Shopping Trolleys

As a teenager, I am rather ashamed to admit that I pushed a shopping trolley ( Or shopping cart depending on where you live) into a river. But before its un-natural departure, me and my friends had so much fun with it! Riding it, racing it and generally treating it like the best thing ever. But did I miss out on doing something far better with it?!? As a chance to repent my sins for pushing the shopping cart into the river, I bring you…



Shopping Trolley Birdcage

10 – Polly put the trolley on?!?

There is something that is both amazing and horrifying about this shopping cart bird cage by Sebastian Errazuriz. Sure it does look stunning, sure it is a really great use of a trolley, but it is still something that until he changed it has only ever had dead birds in it.

Shopping Trolley lounger

9 – Gonna needs a cushion or two.

This blog making is hard! So I think I will take 5 and sit back and relax on this rather impressive shopping trolley sun lounger! It almost seems that it was made to be turned into one of these! (with a soft cushion cover of course)

Shopping Trolley Barbecue Grill

8 – Summer, summer, summertime, Time to sit back and unwind…

And why not unwind with a barbecue using a shopping trolley! Not only a good idea but a great one. But I do have to stop and wonder at just how clean a shopping trolley really is!

Shopping Trolley Chairs

7 – Let’s sit down and talk about this for a while!

What you see here are just some of the great ways that people turn those lovable shopping trolleys into chairs! While there are many different styles and layouts that are mostly the same idea, over and over again. But they are all still very awesome indeed!

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Shopping Trolley garden

6 – Just some vegetable shopping

I thought that this was a great idea! Now and again the supermarkets will sell off all their old broken trolleys for just a few pounds and apparently, they make amazing vegetable gardens because of the ventilation on all sides and bottom! (Best used for growing strawberries apparently)

Shopping Trolley Christmas tree

5 – O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree! How are thy trolleys so verdant!

Not one that everyone can do, but Anthony Schmitt is a special breed of a person for he is a highly skilled artist that makes entire Christmas trees out of shopping carts! Impressive is just about the only word you can say about it!

Shopping Trolley Shelves

4 – Making room to store the shopping, in the shopping cart!

I am neither here, nor there with this one. Sure the genius level of using a shopping cart to make a storage shelf is very high indeed, but I just don’t like the look of it. But that isn’t to say I don’t really respect the idea of it.

Shopping Trolley Go Kart

3 – Shopping in the fast lane!

It might just be me, but I would love to have the skill to make one of these amazing shopping trolley go-karts, and while the (source) link does indeed go to a step by step guide to doing just that I feel I would end up hurting myself for sure!

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Shopping Trolley Swing

2 – Get into the swing of things!

There isn’t a much better use of a broken shopping cart than to turn it into this rather impressive swing!

Shopping Trolley bike

1 – Stick E.T in the front and away you go!

I just rank this as nothing short of pure genius! Not only is it great recycling but also it kind of makes logical sense as well! I think there just might be a market out there for these I really do because I know I want one!00

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