Ten Amazing Things You Can Buy for Halloween That Look Like an Axe

With Halloween coming thick and fast, maybe it is the time we think about decorating…

Ten Amazing Animals That Fit In The Palm Of Your Hand

We have all heard the proverb “A bird in the hand, is worth two in…

Ten Poor Little Kitties With Their Heads Stuck Inside Something

We have all heard the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’ but did it really? Sure…

Ten Foods That Will Not Help Boost Your Metabolism

The problem with most top 10 lists is that they are boring! Most of them…

Ten of the Worlds Narrowest, Skinniest and Thinnest Buildings

I am not a rich person, but I am a happy one. I have a…

Ten Grumpy Animals Who You Wouldn’t Want to Make Angry

My dog is a very grumpy dog. When it rains he is grumpy, when it…

Ten of the Best Photos From Miguel Vallinas’s Animals Reflected in Human Nature

While I do indeed find it funny, I could never dress my own dog up…

Ten of the Very Best Pac-Man Gift Ideas Money Can Buy

Is it wrong to love your own blog posts? Well, I do, and now and…

Ten Things That Look Like the USS Enterprise from StarTrek

What made Star Trek so good was the passion of fans of the show (Trekkies)…

Ten Cats Getting Married in the Traditional Style

It is often said that a cat can be a very loving pet to have,…

Ten Amazing Ways to Enjoy Toast You Would Not Have Thought of

No matter how much I try I am not a very good cook. I have…

Ten Amazing Things To Make and Do With Old VHS Tapes

Today I have been having a little clean out of my “dump” draw, and I…

Ten of the Worlds Most Unusual and Amazing Crabs

While on my travels across the internet looking for all kinds of images for my…

Ten Great Photos of Ocala Painted Horses Any Artist Will Love

Sometimes it is not so much ‘what?’ inspires me to make a post but more…

Ten Amazing and Unusual Guitars You Won’t See in Shops Anytime Soon

If there is something I would love to learn it is how to play the…