No matter how hard I tried I could never make a snowman. It always looked silly and not even close to being ‘man’ shaped. If only I had the skills of the people who made these amazing identical snow dogs…

10 – Lab Attack
This snow dog kind of looks like both of them. But I suppose using all black, or all yellow snow would have been going too far in the name of snow art.

9 – Back off!
It looks like this identical snow dog might be about to lose its face! That is one angry looking snow subject indeed. Maybe he is just a stern critic.

8 – Tiny Wonders
I can’t decide which is cuter? Is it the snow dog with those sad looking eyes, or is it the real dog with his little claws in the snow! I simply can’t pick out a winner.

7 – Happy Pups
This is the happiest dog I have ever seen! In fact, the snow dog is so happy he seems to be making the real dog next to him miserable! Mind you, so would I if I had a bare bum sat in the cold snow.
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6 – Digby
The real dog looks generally scared of its bigger snow counterpart. Make it is those deep, black eyes that seem to want to control you.

5 – Size-up
Looking at the dogs face it is hard to tell if the dog loves it or hates it! In fact, I can’t work out what either of them is thinking. But they do look alike regardless.

4 – Not Fussed
While the dog doesn’t look impressed at all I certainly am. And definitely, extra kudos credits for the tongue and the brown markings of the dog.

3 – Twins
I used this in my post “Top 10 Dogs Playing in The Snow” and it is still one of the bets lookalike snow dogs I have ever seen. In fact, it is almost picture perfect!
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2 – Look-a-like
It is not going to win any design awards, but this is a really good effort indeed. I love the fact that they are the same height, it cracks me up.

1 – Tiny and Big
The snow dog might be a lot bigger than the real one, but it looks exactly the same! The amazing use of the black snow is what one it for me, a work of doggy art indeed.