What made Star Trek so good was the passion of fans of the show (Trekkies) shared. From the nerdy technical elements to having our own favourite Captain and storyline. Each and every one of us had our own opinions. But as with everything, some people went too far! Some got tattoos, some even changed their whole house to look like the bridge of the Enterprise, and some fans made all of these amazing things as well…
10 – Coffee Table
Now this is a coffee table that should have made it into my post “Top 10 Best Nerdy Coffee Tables” but it sadly got overlooked. But it makes it into this list and a real beauty it is as well.
9 – Christmas Lights
Once at Christmas time in the USA there was a shopping mall manager (who just happened to be a Trekkie) who wanted to do something extra special, and it doesn’t get any more special than a whole spaceship made out of Christmas tree lights!
8 – Pet Costume
Be it Halloween it even just a pet fancy dress event, dogs are just not that nerdy, but it doesn’t matter when you are a dog-owning fan of the show who is willing to teach their pets the error of their none nerdy ways.
7 – Balloon Model
Seen at a 50th birthday party, and over 7 ft long is the amazing balloon sculpture in the shape of the Enterprise, probably the best balloon sculpture ever made.
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6 – Mailbox
Not something we will see here in the UK, but these mailboxes (like the ones seen in my post: Top 10 Amazing Mailboxes) are used to deliver mail, like our UK letterboxes, and this enterprise inspired on is as good as it gets.
5 – Bicycle
Owned and made by Rob Wixey (die-hard Trekkie) is this amazing “Soapbox Starship” style enterprise. A little overkill to be used to pop to the shops, but still amazing none the less.
4 – Cat Stand
Unlike most the spaceships seen in this list, this one comes with a making guide! Maybe there is a direct link between cat owners and nerds!
3 – Meat
Even us Nerds love a little BBQ get together with friends (even if it is to talk about which Capitan is better) but to make a meat Enterprise might be going too far, but it is also kind of cool as well.
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2 – Wedding Ring
It might cost about the same as a real trip to space, but this amazing handmade ring is worth every penny to us nerds. If you want a long-lasting marriage to an avid Trekkie this is the way to go.
1 – Three-wheeler
Seen at a Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas (2011) is this simply incredible 3 wheeler motorcycle. You just know that the owner of this is a hardcore fan of the TV show to the point that they are annoying.