Ten Shocking Facts About Bed Bugs You Need to Know

Ten Shocking Facts About Bed Bugs You Need to Know

Bed bugs cost households and organisations billions yearly to exterminate, yet they are not going anywhere. Statistics show that one in every five households has to deal with bed bugs annually. Offices, hotels, and public transport are not spared from infestations either. It is, therefore, fair to say that bed bugs are one of the world’s worst and most persistent epidemics. These bloodsuckers have been around since prehistoric times, managing to crawl into even the narrowest spaces they are not welcome in. But what is it about bed bugs that allow them to cross both streets and oceans to get into your bedroom? If you have ever been curious about these pests, here are ten fascinating facts you should know.

They Can Stay Dormant for 14 Months

If you thought moving out of your home for a few months would eliminate a bed bug infestation, think again. These insects can survive over a year without feeding. They enter a dormant state when food is scarce, remaining alive with minimal sustenance until they find a new host. Some experiments have even found bed bugs surviving up to 18 months without feeding, making them an incredibly persistent nightmare.

They Have Been a Problem Since We Were Neanderthals

Bed bugs have plagued humans for millions of years, dating back to when our ancestors lived in caves. Back then, they fed on both Neanderthals and bats. When humans moved into houses, bed bugs adapted and followed, evolving into expert bloodsuckers. Unlike mosquitoes, bed bugs ensure they don’t wake their host or transmit disease while feeding, making them even more effective parasites.

They Can Track Down Your Blood Vessels

Bed bugs are expert stalkers. They know that human dwellings are warm and safe, and they can infiltrate homes through the tiniest of crevices. Once inside, they locate humans by sensing the carbon dioxide we exhale. As we sleep, they use heat sensors on their antennae to track down our blood vessels, ensuring they pierce the juiciest spots for maximum feeding.

Ten Shocking Facts About Bed Bugs You Need to Know

They Prevent Your Blood from Clotting

The body’s platelets work to close small cuts quickly, but bed bugs have a way around this. When they bite, they inject an anticoagulant that prevents clotting, ensuring they get a continuous blood flow while feeding. This allows them to drink their fill from a single spot without disturbing their host.

They Inject You with an Anaesthetic While Sucking

Ever wondered why you never catch bed bugs in the act? That’s because they have a built-in anaesthetic that numbs the area where they bite, ensuring you remain asleep throughout the feeding process. This makes them particularly stealthy parasites that can repeatedly feed on you without detection.

They Have Developed Resistance to Most Pesticides

DDT was once a powerful insecticide that effectively exterminated bed bugs in the 1930s. However, by the 1940s, bed bugs had developed a mutation that made them resistant. Modern pesticides that target the nervous system, such as pyrethroids, are also proving ineffective. Their ability to adapt makes them one of the toughest pests to eradicate.

Spraying Alone Is Never Enough to Eliminate an Infestation

Bed bugs are one of the few pests that can force people out of their homes. Many homeowners rely on over-the-counter aerosol sprays, but most contain pyrethroids or pyrethrins, which bed bugs are resistant to. Additionally, sprays only affect exposed areas, missing the hidden crevices where most of the pests reside. Effective eradication requires a combination of methods, including using dust treatments, sealing cracks, and encasing bedding and furniture. Professional extermination is often necessary for severe infestations.

They Can Cause Anaemia Through a Single Night of Biting

A heavily infested bedroom can house thousands of bed bugs. While they don’t spread communicable diseases, their bites cause painful rashes that may lead to skin infections. If a large colony feeds on a person in a single night, it can result in anaemia due to significant blood loss. A single bed bug can drink up to three times its body weight in one sitting.

Ten Shocking Facts About Bed Bugs You Need to Know

Bed Bugs Don’t Only Infest Dirty Bedrooms

There is a common misconception that bed bugs only thrive in dirty environments. However, even the cleanest hotel rooms and homes can fall victim to infestations. Bed bugs travel through luggage, clothing, furniture, and even poultry, meaning they can be unknowingly transported anywhere humans go. Because of this, an infestation is not necessarily a sign of poor hygiene.

They Can Be Stopped by Bean Leaves

While modern pest control methods struggle against bed bugs, nature has had an effective defence for centuries. Certain bean leaves contain microscopic hooks that trap bed bugs by piercing their legs and immobilising them until they die. Ancient cultures, such as the Mayans, used this natural defence to protect their homes long before chemical pesticides were developed.

Final Thoughts

Bed bugs are among the most resilient and frustrating pests to deal with, surviving in the toughest conditions and spreading effortlessly. Their ability to track down humans, resist pesticides, and remain dormant for months makes them a persistent threat worldwide. If you find yourself battling an infestation, remember that a combination of professional extermination and preventative measures is the best approach.

Do you know any other interesting facts about bed bugs? Please share them in the comments below!

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