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Ten Crazy and Unusual Deep Fried Desserts You’ll Want to Try

Chip Shops in the UK are not so much a food restaurant more a way of life. This blog post all started while I was on holiday in Scotland and I saw something on the menu that repulsed me. For the grand total of £0.60, you could have a deep-fried Cadbury’s Creme Egg! I was horrified at the mere thought of it! But was I a little too quick to judge it as disgusting?! For all, I know it could have been a taste sensation! Maybe I need to give them a chance, so help me decide which one you think I should try as I bring you…


Deep Fried Cadburys Creme Eggs

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Now, this is where it all started so I kind of had to include it. This image doesn’t make it look so bad and with a fantastic recipe and step by step making guide in the link, this just might be worth a try after all.

Deep Fried Oreo’s

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Now, these really do look quite nice indeed. If you like Oreo’s even half as much as I do, then why not try these with me! With a full recipe and making guide again, it means there is nothing left to chance when it comes to making these tasty looking deep-fried snacks.

Deep Fried Mexican Chocolate Cake

8 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Now, this is just plain wrong! Why on earth would you eat a chocolate cake that has been deep-fried?!? Well, I have to think about trying one no matter how weird it seems. The link has a great guide to making them provided you are brave enough.

Homemade Deep Fried Bananas

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

It seems that even fruit can’t escape the deep-fried phenomenon! And it has to be questioned just how healthy a deep-fried banana could be as well as a question if taste. If you fancy making one then the link does have a great guide to making them.

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Deep Fried Watermelon

6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

It has to be said that this does actually look quite tasty! But there is also something rather wrong about a deep-fried watermelon that I can’t quite put my finger on (or should I say tongue) Well if you fancy making some there is a simple recipe in the link.

Deep Fried Ice Cream

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

I had to read the description of what this is several times! Believe it or not, people really do enjoy deep-fried ice-cream! How on earth does this even work!??

Deep Fried Coke

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Yes, you read that right, what you are looking at really is deep-fried Coca-Cola that has been turned into a sort of snack dessert drink type thing. In reality, it is nothing more than Coca-Cola flavoured batter with some whipped cream on top.

Deep fried mars bar

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Once again we walk the path of the weird with this sickly looking deep-fried Mars bar! This was one of the first chocolate bars that people started deep-frying and still one of the strangest.

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Deep fried Butternut Squash

2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Once again it has to be said that these don’t sound so bad at all! Sadly if you fancy trying to make some of these you will have to experiment yourself with the original link is no longer available.

Deep Fried Glutinous Rice Balls

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

It seems that we may finally have a deep-fried dessert that not only looks nice but is also rather traditional! Wiki tells us that this dessert can be traced back to the Tang dynasty as a palace food in Chang’an! That proves that this really is a fried dessert fit for a king!

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