Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags

Playing is a vital activity for both adult cats and kittens and if there is one thing cats love playing with it is bags. Empty paper or plastic bags for them to investigate and “hide” in are cheap and perfect toys for any cat. So let’s look at some images of cats getting some much needed mental stimulation with bags…



Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat Inside a Paper Bag

10 – Bag Puss

Bag puss was an animated cat in the early 70’s but he never played with a bag! They called him that because he was old and baggy looking. But not this cat in a rather moody black & white image.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat Inside a Brown Paper Bag

9 – Waste Pussosal

This kitty is trying out some creative methods of getting more food. It has been 3 weeks wearing this and his owner still hasn’t noticed the cat is getting fatter by the day.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat Inside a Brown Paper Bag

8 – Peekaboo Bagger

The mischievousness in this cat’s eyes is pouring out of the bag. Anyone or anything walking near this bag too closely is going to get attacked. Funny, but bad, bad kitty.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat In a Cloth Cat Bag

7 – Cat Cat

It is just a shame the bag isn’t modelled on the cat that is in the bag because that would have been an epic image of confusion. Even a cat in a cat back is a bit of a stomach full.

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Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat In a Paper Bag

6 – Grumpy Bags

You know cats love their bags when even Grumpy cat herself couldn’t resist playing in one. This was a paper bag for her luxuriate kitty food, but she prefers the bland paper bag it came in.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat In A Bag

5 – Peeking Cat

This kitty is kind of scary, but a good reason to remind people to check what is inside their bags before throwing them away. Especially if you are a cat owner.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cats In Paper Bags

4 – Supermarket Cats

So you have just been out cat shopping and now you have got home you suddenly realise they don’t want to come out of the bags. Well tough, a pet is for life, not a short buy.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat In a Plastic Carrier Bag

3 – “A little help here please?”

Let us face it. You and I both know this cat didn’t climb up the wall and get into this bag itself. But I can’t help but laugh every time I look at it! Shame on me…LOL.

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Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat In Purple Gift Bag

2 – Gift Cat

With such vivid colours and the cat’s eyes full of wonderment I just had to include this image. You just know this cat is going to leap out at something or someone very soon indeed.

Top 10 Images of Cats In Bags
Cat In A Bag

1 – Art Cat

OK, so the image has a dark, grungy style to it. But it just cracked me up the moment I saw it. Maybe it is the clash between grungy art and funny cats that get me giggling, but whatever the reason I just knew it had to be my number 1 image.

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